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[本地歌詞] Cheap NFL Jerseys China the President said that this year









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發表於 2017-10-13 19:48:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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-pointless to invest in facilities if quality is missingAs a number of highlighted,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, recent and questionable deaths rock health institutions across the country,China Jerseys Cheap, President Bharrat Jagdeo has criticized a practice by some doctors of taking pay from public hospitals and then spending most of their time working privately.Expressing concerns, yesterday, during a press conference following his return from the Middle East, the President said that this year,Cheap Jerseys Free, his administration has given the commitment of getting value for its money for huge investments made in key sectors like health and education.The Head of State noted that it made no sense to invest heavily in critical facilities when the quality of services leaves a lot to be desired.In additional to clinical audits to ensure that hospital are running properly, there will be checks to ensure that established practices are being carried out. Whether charts are written up,Cheap MLB Jerseys China, whether nurses are at work and attention in other critical areas will be the focus of the audit.Should the hospitals or other facilities be found “wanting”, those in charge like the Chief Executive Officers will have to answer since they are ultimately responsible.Currently, health institutions are bound by service contracts governing their delivery of services but this overtime have not been rigidly enforced.The Ministry of Health will need to focus more on enforcement to ensure that the public benefits fully, Jagdeo warned.According to the Head of State, it is a sad thing when there is negligence at health institutions. If there is negligence and no sanctions, then there will continue to be negligence. This is where the supervisors and senior officials come in. However,NFL Jerseys China Online, sometimes these are the same people that are in violation.Regarding some medical personnel taking pay and then doing private practice elsewhere when they should have been at work,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the President said there would come a time when it will be over. However, with the absence of specialist doctors, this may take some time.However, Jagdeo was upbeat since several “young blood” will soon be entering the health system and some of these will be trained to be specialists.Meanwhile, according to the Head of State, stakeholders in the education sector will be participating in a one-day retreat toward the end of February to discuss education issues.This is to assess the situation in the sector as it relates to students’ performance.”Towards the end of February we are going to have a one-day retreat on education because we can’t just keep pumping all this money into the education sector and not get the corresponding results,” he said.The President pointed out that he has already held discussions with the Vice Chancellor of the University of Guyana to have case studies done on three institutions that performed extremely well at the primary and secondary levels and three that performed badly. This is to examine the results and find out the reasons for the varying levels of performance.“We have had cases where schools that don’t get the cream like some of the schools in Georgetown they get the cream of the crop say Queen’s College. I think you have to be in the top two percent or so to get in there, so they start off probably with an advantage. But take two schools that recruit their people from, or their students from open arrangements. One would get extremely good passes and another would not and they have the same resource base so we need to find out what is really going on in the good school.”Stressing the importance of value for money in the sector, since Government injects significant resources into the sector every year, the President pointed out that the situation will be assessed to determine whether discipline, good management by heads in ensuring punctuality and fulfillment of the curricula are contributing factors to schools performing creditably.Last year the education sector was allocated $20.4B while $18.5B was expended in 2008.

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