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Supply NFL Jerseys GGDMA









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發表於 2017-10-13 20:19:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA) yesterday expressed dissatisfaction with the attention given to the industry by the new Government.Gold miners are agitating for an urgent meeting with Government to address concerns.“This industry remains the leading contributor of foreign earnings; a major source of employment; the largest purchaser of machinery,wholesale jerseys, spares, and supplies; and plays an important role in the development of the hinterland and Guyana’s economy,NFL Jerseys Outlet,” the body said in a statement.The association was highly critical saying that the “attitude” seems to be held over from the previous administration, where several promises made to miners remain unfulfilled.GGDMA disclosed that it had scheduled two meetings- June 4 and June 10- but these were cancelled. A letter was sent to President David Granger appealing for a meeting with the relevant Minister.GGDMA insisted that the mining industry remains in crisis.Among some of the issues that the body wants addressed, is the completion of the draft Investment Development Agreement (IDA) to include additional items of spares, among other things.Miners also want incentives including a 50 percent reduction in rentals for small mining properties, reduction in royalties, maintenance of hinterland roads and airstrips and the establishment of new roads for greater access to new mining lands.They also want increased attention to public security within the hinterland, especially in light of the high incidences of crime.There should be stricter monitoring by the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) especially in the areas of safety and illegal mining activities.GGDMA stressed that some of the ongoing challenges it is facing includes, falling gold prices, improvement in gold recovery technology, high operation and maintenance costs,China Jerseys Cheap, high fuel costs and high rentals for mineral properties.The miners are also complaining about the increasing prices for spares and machinery,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, limited available lands for serious and genuine miners, disparities in concessions between foreign-based and local miners,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, increasing violent crimes in the mining sector and the slow processing of work permits for Brazilian miners.Gold has seen declining production in recent years as prices fell on the world market.It was just three years ago the biggest foreign currency earner for the country,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, now falling behind rice.Miners have been calling for help with thousands of them still owing banks and suppliers.

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