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發表於 2017-10-13 20:41:36 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…. irate field worker chops DriverChaos and confusion quickly infused the environs of the Albion Sugar Factory in Berbice yesterday,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, as workers learnt that 54 of their colleagues had been involved in an accident.Reports are that the incident occurred sometime around 05:30 hrs,Cheap Jerseys From China, while some of the field workers were being transported in Motor Lorry, GGG 1092.At the time of the accident,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the lorry which was contracted from R. Rajkumar was being driven by Gordat Kashrilall.Kaieteur News understands that the workers were en-route to their destination point in the cane-field when the vehicle as a result of the extremely tumultuous terrain ‘turned turtle.’Persons who were already on site rushed to the aid of the men who were trapped inside of the passenger tray of the overturned lorry.The workers managed to retrieve everyone that was trapped including the driver and they were sent for medical attention at the Port Mourant and New Amsterdam Hospitals.This newspaper was informed that one man,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, Vaughn Punch, received serious head injuries and has since been hospitalized.He is said to have suffered a fracture to his skull but is presently in a stable condition.One source told Kaieteur News that while the cause of the accident is yet to be determined; Kashrilall has reported that he “saw a spark” under the dash board of the lorry while he was transporting the workers.He reportedly made an attempt to investigate the source of the spark whilst driving and as a result lost control.Subsequent checks were reportedly undertaken to determine the source of the sparking observed by the driver,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, but no defects to the steering unit of the lorry have been revealed.The GuySuCo Factory official who made the checks reportedly did not unearth any signs of burning taking place in the cab of the lorry.Further checks are slated to be conducted on the vehicle.It was also stated that moments after the accident,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, Kashrilall was assaulted and chopped on his left leg by a worker who was at the scene of the accident.It is unclear if the assailant was involved in the accident but the driver related that he can identify his attacker.Kaieteur News understands that the other lorry drivers are far from satisfied with the reaction of the workers toward Kashrilall and are contemplating ceasing operations.Senior officers at the Albion Sugar Estate/ Factory are in discussions with the contracted lorry owners.These discussions center on preventing any possible strike action by the lorry drivers.

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