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Wholesale Jerseys NFL Dr. Leslie Ramsammy









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發表於 2017-10-14 02:45:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…blood samples to be sent overseasThe Ministry of Health has detected two cases of what is suspected to be the H1N1 Virus (Swine Flu) in Guyana.It was noted that the cases are related to travel experiences and both were detected at the Diamond Diagnostic Centre on the East Bank of Demerara.A statement from the Ministry of Health last night stated that blood samples have been taken from the two persons and are being sent overseas for further tests.There is no confirmation at this time that the two cases are H1N1,cheap jerseys, but the investigation represents part of the Ministry’s Heightened Suspicion Index for the disease.The statement added that the Ministry would continue to test persons who meet the criteria for the suspicion index,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, who have history of illnesses and those who would have traveled to countries where the H1NI virus was detected.The H1N1 virus (Swine Flu) has now been reported in several Caribbean countries,jerseys from china, and according to Health Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, it is inevitable that the virus would reach Guyana.At a press conference held earlier yesterday, Minister Ramsammy said that in some of the cases, there is no indication that persons have travelled outside of their country,Nike Men Air Max 97, where the virus has now been reported.According to Minister Ramsammy, this would therefore indicate that even if the virus comes in through a visitor,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, there is a level of indigenous transmission within a country.“It is now at our borders and I expect therefore that it will be here (Guyana) and it is inevitable,” Minister Ramsammy said.He added that the challenge for the Health Ministry is to now delay the virus for as long as possible.“Given the nature of H1N1 and given how it is spread, it is almost an impossible task to do so. One way would be to close the borders, but that will not happen. I do not think that it is possible for a country to close its borders.”Dr. Ramsammy added that intensifying its vigilance at the borders is the way to go as he noted that the ministry has been doing all of the things necessary at the borders.“We are going to further intensify this activity and we will scrutinize people coming into our country much more.”The Health Minister commended the various airlines and ships coming to Guyana for complying with the health declaration forms.“Long before people enter the country, we know who is coming, where they’re coming from, and we also have an indication of any health problems that may arise on the way to Guyana.”The Health Ministry has ensured that the medication to treat the virus is available as 10,000 doses of Tamiflu are at hand,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, while an additional 2,500 doses were given to the Ministry from PAHO/WHO.Minister Ramsammy explained that if the health workers are going to detect the virus early, then they have to know the people who are having flu like symptoms, when they are having fever, and where they are having fever.He noted that some health institutions have not been cooperative in reporting daily incidences of fever treated. Dr. Ramsammy threatened to enforce the laws on such institutions, as he added that disciplinary action would also be taken against public health workers who are not reporting any cases to the Ministry.“This is a national call to duty and we must take all necessary actions.”

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