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Wholesale Jerseys 2017 they should not throw back









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….election has taken democracy to a new level,NFL Jerseys Outlet, says Region 6 ChairmanBy Leon SuseranBerbice responded to the results of the 2011 General and Regional Elections generally by welcoming fresh kinds of politics that will see more participation and compromise being made among the key stakeholders in the National Assembly – the opposition parties being the key players.Shopping areas and surroundings of New Amsterdam were populated with shoppers, and vehicles continued to line the busier parts of the town, especially after the results were announced. Many persons said that they can now breathe a huge sigh of relief knowing that the elections are over and done with and life can continue as per normal.With the balance of power essentially resting in the hands of the opposition, Kaieteur News sought the comments of key players in Regions 5 and 6 about their thoughts on the elections results.Imran Sacoor, President of the Berbice Chamber of Commerce: “I feel that we will have a more inclusive government. I feel it will go positive and it will also go negative with the interest of the people of the country, positive in that decisions made in parliament will go more in favour of people of the country. [But] in the negative sense, I see that when there is a good matter being tabled, the chances are that if somebody doesn’t feel good about it, the opposing of the issue can really be a problem.[We] have to ensure that we have continued success. At the end of the day, the Chamber of Commerce would want to say to the general citizenship, regardless of the decisions, we want to continue to urge peace prevail in our communities and that we continue to work hard, because we must recognize Guyana is our country and we work to preserve the interest of our country.” He urged corporate stakeholders to accept the decisions made and “put our country first”. “We feel confident that Donald [Ramotar] will be able to work with the other parties; include everyone in decision-making and engage the opposition”Raj Nauth,NFL Jerseys Clearance, businessman: “The results will entail more ‘togethership’ in terms of those who felt they were not in the building process over the years; that they were not included in the building of Guyana (they now would be). This result will put that to rest… they will feel inclusiveness. It will benefit the country more by and large. Some of the issues that were actually being swept under the rug, mainly VAT,Cheap Jeseys NFL, and some other issues like the Berbice Bridge, GuySuCo and job creation, at the end of the day, they will see that they (the people) are being represented and those who were sitting on the fence, they will probably want to be involved in the building process. GECOM did a wonderful job and the results should be accepted”.Vishnu Doerga – President of Upper Corentyne Chamber of Commerce:  “The electorate has spoken and we would urge all the parties involved to listen to that collective voice of the electorate and act in the best interest of our country; a country which is now at a stage where rapid development could take place, which will definitely require everyone to be on board. I would hope that it leads to far more constructive dialogue and greater buy-in of all decisions made at the Parliamentary level.”Harrinarine  Baldeo – Regional Chairman of Region 5: “That’s the reality of the results, that’s the choice the people made and [the] people have a free right to choose what they want to vote. We got back the region with one seat less; the AFC has an additional seat. If you don’t have a majority you have to go on”.Dr Veerasammy Ramayya (AFC): “The results were astounding. The fact is, Region 6 made a difference,Wholesale China Jerseys, and the thing is, I am very proud that we worked [hard] and the sugar workers disappointed me very much. [But] with the two geographical seats in parliament and the one top up that we have changed the whole outcome, of the election and history is created in Guyana today. This is the first time they will look at the AFC as the balancing force in the country… a president with no power anymore. I am very proud with my people. And I took on the greatest challenge in Region Six. I do hope we find peace and they work in an amicable way. But history is being made here.”When asked what the impact of the new way of doing things in parliament now, Ramayya said,Cheap NHL Jerseys, “We can stop the corruption, we can know how the money is being spent, and contractors, health care and how it is being spent. Now that the AFC is there, the people of Guyana can get their dollars worth in taxes and we can do much more than to have a dictatorship. The business people are so happy, even though we made 2 extra seats, from the last election, the seats made an impact.”Dr Ramayya revealed that he will be representing Berbice on the Geographical Seat. “That was something they thought I would never deliver. Today is our time. We are the riders of the horses now. If the sugar workers could have given [their] support, I am 100% we could’ve won Region Six and that could’ve been more disgraceful to them (the PPP)”.Zulfikar Mustapha- Regional Chairman of Region Six and PPP Executive Committee Member: “This is our democracy; it is maturing now and it shows that our party has consolidated democracy and that is why today we are having the sentiments expressed by the people. I think this election has taken democracy to a new level. It is not fragile anymore; it is being consolidated. Everyone has to accept the will of the people.”He thanked members,Wholesale Jerseys, supporters, volunteers and activists.“We, also as a party, I will restate our determination to work tirelessly for each and every single Guyanese to achieve our collective dream as a nation.”When asked if he was satisfied with the PPP’s performance at the elections, he said, “It shows some of our supporters were complacent and this should be noted in future elections. They should come out; they should not throw back, and say victory. It is a duty of each and every Guyanese that we should come out and vote; we must continue to raise our country and unite our people. We lose a couple of seats, but we still have the majority [in Region 6] and the PPP will continue to work with the different groups in Region Six to build our region. It is one of the most important regions in terms of developing our country.”Dr John Austin (Member of Parliament and APNU Rep): “We have to check to see whether the figures given by GECOM correspond with our figures and we have not had discussions as yet. We have got to check the figures. What I want to say is that because the opposition now forms the majority in parliament, things would not be as they used to be where the PPP can do as they like.”

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