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Cheap NFL Jerseys Nicola Pierre and her husband









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They entered the court compound as notorious criminals – hands tightly secured behind their backs with handcuffs and noisy shackles secured their feet. Under heavy police escort, the three men accused of robbing Land Court Judge,Nike Air Max 1 Ultra Flyknit Womens, Nicola Pierre, were greeted  with flashing lights from cameras of reporters, as if they were celebrities.Two Agricola men were among the three that were charged with the vicious robbery.Appearing before Magistrate Ann Mc Lennan were Damien Millington,22,NFL Jerseys China, of 118 Caesar Street,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, Agricola; Nicholas Narine, 18, also of Caesar Street, Agricola and Anthony David, 28,Wholesale Jerseys NFL, of 63 Hadfield Street, Stabroek.The first charge alleged that on July 9, at Montrose, East Coast Demerara (ECD), the men being in the company of others and armed with a handgun, robbed Mohamed Chand of five wrist watches, a Samsung Galaxy S5 phone, US$8,000, a wedding ring, four Oakley sunglasses and one brown leather walletLand Court Judge, Nicola Pierre and her husband, Mohamed ChandThe second charge alleged that the trio, at Montrose ECD robbed Nicola Pierre at gunpoint. They allegedly relieved her of a  quantity of gold and diamond jewellery, a clump of gold, a quantity of gem stones among  other  items, all totaling $1M.In addition, they were charged with discharging a loaded firearm at Roy Peters, with intent to maim, disable,Cheap Womens Jordan Sneakers, disfigure or cause him grievous bodily harm.Heavily-armed bandits inflicted a brutal beating on Land Court Judge Nicola Pierre and her husband Mohamed Chand after overpowering an on-duty Special Constable and storming the couple’s home located in a gated community at Felicity, East Coast Demerara.Pierre, 43, and Chan, 50, were attacked while they were asleep. They were gun-butted into unconsciousness after the men, numbering about four, gained entry to their home via a window.The robbers carted off a small safe containing US$7,000 and jewellery, and a suitcase containing other valuables. But they were forced to drop their loot after coming under gunfire from a security guard who was stationed at a businessman’s home nearby.Pierre sustained a broken jaw and other injuries, while her husband received severe injuries to an eye. He has lost the eye and is currently overseas receiving medical attention. Chand also suffered injuries requiring him to receive some 35 stitches.Yesterday, the men were not required to plead to the indictable charges after they were read to them at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.They were subsequently remanded to prison and will make their next court appearance on July 30, at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court.Police Prosecutor, Deniro Jones informed the court that the men were positively identified by their victims. He said that the police acting on information raided a home. He said, too, that several men were inside of the house that came under heavy gunfire with the police.Jones said that the gang leader was killed. He explained that during the raid lawmen found a gun in the house that matches the weapon used to commit the crime.The prosecutor noted that a ballistic test was done in the investigation.During the court hearing, David pleaded with the Magistrate to address the court. When given the chance,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, he explained that the police picked him up last Tuesday from his place of employment on Sheriff Street.He said that police took him to the station and demanded that he identify 12 men they already had in custody.David told the court that he could not have recognized the men. He claimed that the police beat and shocked him to his genitals further demanding that he identify the detainees.He further stressed that he was kept in custody for 144 hours. During that time, he said the police informed him about information they had received from someone about him being involved in a robbery.“I thought I was going home today. I can’t even feel my feet right now. I am going to lose my job if this gets in the media,” he added.Millington and Narine only provided the court with their basic information. They also claimed that they were tortured at the hands of the police.The three men who were unrepresented by an attorney are alleging that two policemen by the name of Melville and Caesar assaulted them.When the brief court hearing ended, the men calmly requested to speak with reporters, who were gathered on the court’s stairways. Millington and Narine held their heads high and declared that they were innocent of the charges against them.They behaved in a very disorderly manner as they were making their way out of the court compound.  Loud noise emerged from the prison van as they were heard continuously banging on the metal walls of the van.

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