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Cheap NFL Jerseys its project sponsor









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發表於 2017-10-14 14:16:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…cost per mega-watt now exceeds controversial Bujagali ProjectFor the first time since several damning and probing articles into the development of the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Project,nfl jerseys china, its project sponsor, Sithe Global has spoken out and pegged the price of the project to be some US$650M.This is according to Rafael Herz, the Sithe Global, Project Manager for Amaila Falls Hydropower Project, who spoke for the first time on its role in the project.According to Herz, “The total cost of the dam, powerhouse, transmission line, and substations is estimated at US$650M (including an estimated US$190M for the transmission line and other supporting infrastructure).”(This) will be the largest private investment in Guyana’s history. He added, also,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, that Sithe Global has already spent in excess of US$5M on the development of the project and expects to ultimately contribute over US$150M of equity.Using the revised figures it can now be deduced that the cost per megawatt will now be some US$4.2M which exceeds the controversial Bujagali project in Uganda.The Project Manager stated that the electricity generated by specially designed and purpose-built turbines would be delivered to substations in Linden and Georgetown by a new 278 km transmission line.Herz contends that hydropower dams are not small undertakings.“It takes considerable capital resources, experience and technical expertise to construct and operate a successful hydroelectric project and transmission line…Sithe Global’s core management team has successfully led the development or acquisition of over 50 power plants comprising over 15,000 MWs globally.”It was pointed out that since combining forces with the Blackstone group in 2005,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Sithe Global has raised nearly US $3B in capital to finance three Greenfield projects totaling 1,725 MWs, including the 250MW Bujagali hydroelectric project in Uganda, which will effectively double that country’s generation capacity.What the project manager did not specify is where in the world has Sithe Global completed any Hydroelectric Project.Herz stressed in his response to the newspaper articles that, “We are committed to bringing the Amaila Hydropower project to successful completion and operation, despite the challenges posed by its remote location…For this reason,Nike Shox Men Clearance, we welcome the Government of Guyana’s commitment to build a road to the site, the critical first step to developing Guyana’s energy independence.”The project manager also pointed out that the cost of this road will be part of the Government’s equity in the project.That road contract was handed to Makeshwar Fip Motilall of Synergy Holdings.Herz stated that Sithe Global strives to be a leader in the world at implementing large scale, socially responsible power generation projects and their successful experiences completing challenging projects in remote locations around the world.“We believe that developing energy projects with a major economic impact while mitigating the ecological footprint is the key to sustainable development.”He stated that the company’s goal is to start construction in early 2011, once the access road is completed and debt financing has been obtained.“What is at stake here is more than the Amaila project… It is the chance for Guyana to control its own energy future by having its own source of clean, reliable electricity,Cheap Jerseys China, lowering its dependence on imported oil,Cheap MLB Jerseys China, and decreasing its carbon footprint,” according to Herz.President Bharrat Jagdeo announced that the cost of the Amaila Falls project could be US$450M, while other government sources have placed the cost at between US$500M and US$600M.Experts on the building of such plants say the cost of hydropower construction per megawatt usually ranges between US$1M and US$1.5M.Some of the most expensive power plants built or under construction include the Chinese Three Gorges power project with a capacity of 18,000 MW at $1.3m per megawatt.The controversial Ilisu hydroelectric dam being built in Turkey will cost US$1.6B but will generate 1,200MW of electricity. This means that it is being constructed at an average cost per megawatt of US$1.3M.In Sudan, the 1,200MW Merowe Dam on the Blue Nile, commissioned in March last year, cost only $760M, while the Gilgel Gibe II hydropower station in Ethiopia with a capacity of 420MW was built at a cost of US$600M.The 25MW Bujugali Project which was originally pegged as some US$530M has now reached some $860M, meaning that the cost per megawatt is some $3.4M.That project has been plagued in controversy.

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