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發表於 2017-10-14 14:39:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Police in Berbice ‘B’ Division under the command of Assistant Commissioner Brian Joseph on Wednesday unveiled their annual Christmas plan-‘Christmas policing 2013’ in the RDC Boardroom, Berbice.The period extends from November 15, 2013 to January 15, 2014.Among those present were Regional Chairman David Armogan, Vice Chairman Bhopaul Jagroop, Deputy Commander Superintendent Stephen Mansell and senior officers in the division. There were also representatives of the Berbice Chamber of Commerce and Development Association (BCCDA) and other stake holders.In picture the gathering at the press briefing Commander ‘B’ Division Assistant Commissioner Brian Joseph and Deputy Commander Superintendent Stephen Mansell and other senior officers.Commander Joseph, who will be spending his first Christmas in charge of the Division, said that there are a number of reasons for the police Christmas policing plan.During the Christmas period there is usually an increase in social, cultural and economic activities resulting in an increase in shopping and visitors coming into the country for the holidays.There are Guyanese returning on vacation and an increase in activity in the business areas, coupled with an increase in road traffic,Cheap Air Max Tn Shoes, resulting in congestion and also a likely increase in criminal activities.Some of the main objectives and intentions of the plan are to minimize the activities of criminal elements and ensure a safe neighbourhood; to reduce traffic congestion and road accidents; to provide a safe and secure environment for citizens, visitors and shoppers.Making some comparison for the year in review, Mr. Joseph said that ranks in the division recovered 11 firearms and seized 60 kilograms of narcotics compared to 11 firearms and 38 kilograms of narcotics for the previous year.He pointed to some factors which led to their positive results. There have been Intelligence-led policing, increased road blocks,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and increased stops and searches of both vehicles and individuals. A number of cordon and searches and raids were also done.Mr. Joseph stated that at the moment,Cheap MLB Jerseys, the division is working with only about half of its required staff establishment. The current establishment requires 502 police ranks in the division, but at the moment they have only 274, a shortfall of 231.This has been the trend since 1977 and from then to now there have been new legislations and changes. These require additional staffing.He mentioned the Drug Act, Piracy Act, Trafficking in Persons and the Domestic Violence Act. There have also been new police stations and outposts and an increase in the volume of traffic over the yearsThere are other concerns that hamper the police, said Joseph. Some of them are witnesses’ reluctance to attend ID Parades; tampering of crime scene by onlookers; persons not acknowledging the need for physical security and crime awareness; lack of trust and slow response time by the police.In the area of traffic,Cheap Jerseys USA, some of the main concerns are speeding,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the negligent use of the roads, driving under the influence of alcohol and the use of cell phones while driving.The Christmas policing plan has seen the division being divided into four sectors.Some of the main shopping areas in Berbice that have to be manned are New Amsterdam, Rose Hall Town, Port Mourant, Corriverton, Rosignol,Jerseys NFL Cheap, Bush Lot and Bath, West Coast Berbice.Also attracting heavier police attention are the other populated areas and hot spots.Special arrangements will also be put in place for Christmas Eve and Old Year’s Day to deal with traffic,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, crowd control, late shopping and other social gatherings at a number of locations throughout the division.The Commander stated that the Christmas policing method will be assessed on a weekly basis and changes and adjustments will be made where necessary.He assured that they are prepared to work with all stakeholders to ensure, as far as possible a crime and accident free Christmas.He stated that they will up the ante against persons selling and lighting squibs and bombs, noise nuisance and road rage.

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