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發表於 2017-10-14 14:42:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police are trying to locate a security guard who may have vital information about the murder of 84-year-old drug store owner Harold Rachpaul,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, who was found strangled in his home last Friday.Kaieteur News understands that the guard had worked at a Robb Street establishment near Rachpaul’s Drug Store.Sources said that he was among several persons who were questioned during the early stages of the investigation. Detectives subsequently received information which has led them to believe that the guard could assist them further. However, police discovered that the guard left his job suddenly, and they have been unable to locate him at his home.This newspaper understands that the guard has a criminal record,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and was previously convicted on robbery and break and enter charges.Rachpaul’s gagged and bound body was found near his bed at his Lot 75 Robb Street residence by his son and grandson at around 08:00hrs last Friday. An autopsy confirmed that he had been strangled.Rachpaul lived in the top flat of the three-storey property. A Chinese restaurant was housed in the second flat and the pharmacy in the bottom flat.Kaieteur News was told that the dead man’s son, Leonard,China Jerseys Free Shipping, and his grandson discovered the body when they came to open the premises.On arrival, they had observed that the back door was open and when they went inside they made the shocking discovery.Rachpaul, according to relatives, was found wrapped in a bed sheet. The cloth was tightly around his head, and his hands and feet were bound with an electrical iron cord. His face had marks of violence.According to relatives,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, a vault was open and a quantity phone cards and an undisclosed sum of cash were missing.Police sources stated that there were no visible signs of forced entry.Meanwhile,2014 Olympic Team USA #44 Brooks Orpik White Stitched NHL Jersey, a nearby resident, under anonymity, stated that the man would usually be up at 06:00hrs tending to his dogs. The resident did not recall hearing or seeing anything amiss.Rachpaul is survived by his wife, who is presently overseas,Cheap China Jerseys, five sons,Cheap NFL Jerseys, a daughter and a number of grand children.

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