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Wholesale Jerseys East Coast Demerara and a former Queen’s College student









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Radica Thakoor, the mother of slain Demerara Bank employee Sheema Mangar,NFL Jerseys From China, says she is still awaiting the findings from forensic samples which were sent aboard several weeks ago.Police had said that the samples had been sent to Barbados and that they were expected to be returned to investigators by January. But Ms. Thakoor said police officials have told her that the samples have not yet arrived.A frustrated Thakoor said it has been four months since her daughter was killed and the police still haven’t made any meaningful progress in the much publicised case.Thakoor said that her family is anxiously awaiting the results of the test done on a piece of fabric that was found underneath a suspect’s car. DNA analysis is to be done on that sample.The distraught mother said that it is very hard to express how devastating the entire tragedy has been for the family,Wholesale China Jerseys, and the long wait is causing them more pain.She said that given the manner in which her daughter was killed,Jerseys NFL China, the police should have been working around the clock to put the perpetrator(s) behind bars.Mangar,Jerseys From China, of Lot 675 Block Eight Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara and a former Queen’s College student,Nike Air Max 95 For Sale, was robbed of her BlackBerry phone at around 18:40 hrs on Friday, September 10, while awaiting transportation near Camp Street and North Road in Georgetown.According to an eyewitness, Mangar ran towards a car which the man who had snatched her phone entered, shouting “thief, thief.” She reportedly then stood in front of the car while demanding that the thief return the phone.But according to the eyewitness, the car’s driver responded by running over Mangar and dragging her almost an entire block, to Church Street.Police had questioned at least three people,Wholesale Baseball Jerseys Online, while removing hair and other samples from two cars that they had impounded.

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