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[健身] Cheap Jerseys From China banana









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發表於 2017-10-14 16:37:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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After reading about the pest infestation of coconut trees in the Pomeroon River,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Chandrika Persaud, who specializes in the care of coconut trees has come forward to bring awareness of his experience. Persaud has been specializing in the field for over 30 years and has traveled extensively to give his service.Now that there is an existing threat in Guyana he wants farmers, especially those in the Pomeroon River, to know that there is someone who can help them with their trees.Persaud not only offers care for coconut plants but also for sucker plants like plantain,Discount NFL Jerseys, banana and eddoes. Sigatoka- black and yellow disease is the disease that affects suckers (plantain, banana, eddoes).Farmers in the Pomeroon River, Essequibo Coast and the coastland of Guyana are afraid they will be out of earnings from their coconut estate, since the crop is severally affected by pests and diseases. This must be treated as a national issue and give priority.Some of the pests affecting the coconut palms in this area are Coconut Eriophyid Mite, Mealy Bug / Soothy Mould, Scale Insect, Red Palm mites and Nemathode.Diseases are Basal Stem end Rot, Root Wilt, Leaf Blight / Grey Leaf Spot,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, Bud Rot,Cheap Jerseys China, Cedros Wilt and Red Ring.Farmers Plight:At a coconut meeting with farmers and personnel from the Massy group of companies on April 18, 2015 at Mr. Gordon Duke’s farm at Grant Providence in the Lower Pomeroon River, farmers complained bitterly about the way officers from the NAREI misled them about the control of coconut pests and diseases.One farmer claimed that he was misled and provided information that cost him, time, money and man power by drilling his coconut trees with bits to a depth of ½” to 1 ½”. No field visit was ever made by any extension officer to give meaningful advice on coconut and suckers.The area is also severely affected by both yellow and black sigatoka disease.Mr. Alfro Alphonso of Grant Tennessee Farm had to turn to experienced coconut personnel for advice and treatment of pests and diseases affect his coconut and suckers crops.The coconut palm which is grown in 93 countries in the world is one among the most important cultivated palms. From the world production of coconut, more than 50 percent is processed into copra. A small portion is converted into desiccated coconut and other edible kernel products; the rest is consumed as fresh nuts.Coconut prices are determined by the price of coconut oil. The availability of cheaper substitutes and the willful propaganda linking coconut oil to cardiovascular disease has resulted in a weak and unstable demand for coconut oil. Consequently high fluctuations are seen in the prices of coconut. The absence of a steady growth underlines the needs for product diversification and new product development which can help to promote a balanced and healthy growth in the coconut sector.The coconut palm is popularly referred to as the Tree of Life as every part of the tree can be put to use for a gainful purpose. In addition to the kernel, the husk, shell,Nike Shox Men Clearance, water and wood can be used for making value added products and creating wealth out of waste.Technologies have been developed for processing and packaging tender coconut water with a shelf life of six months to one year, coconut water as a RTS drink, converting the water of the mature nut into vinegar and nata de coco,cheap jerseys from china, kernel into virgin coconut oil, spray dried coconut milk powder, shell into shell charcoal and activated carbon which is the highest form of value addition in the sector, husk into coconut fiber, rubberized coconut fiber products and coco peat an important plant nutrient in the agriculture / horticulture sector, coconut based convenience foods etc.In Guyana coconut ranks third after rice and sugar in terms of acreage cultivated. With the trend of the sugar and rice industry coconut will soon be the number one crop if properly managed and have the support of the relevant authority in boosting this crop and its value added. All part of coconut tree are useful in one way or other and the crop profoundly influences the socio economic security of thousands of farm families. Since the coconut farm can accommodate various other crops besides livestock, it is possible to adopt coconut based farming system which satisfies the day to day needs of a family.Coconut assumes importance as the crop is a source of renewable energy. The economic viability of coconut farming in the era of globalization depends on the extent of value added and maximization of net income from a unit holding. The need of the hour, therefore, is to reduce the cost of production by improving the productivity so as to gain a place in the world market as stable suppliers of quality product at competitive price.Chandrika Persaud can be contacted on 6763770, 6479445 and 2296254.

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