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Several persons seeking medical care at the Buxton Health Centre were forced to take their problems elsewhere,Cheap Air Max 90, after the only Pharmacist attached to the institution “packed her bag and left the building” in protest of suspended payment last Tuesday.Reports reaching this newspaper suggest that the “fairly new” assistant Pharmacist,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, Nicole John, received a telephone call from an official at the Regional Office earlier that morning,Wholesale Jerseys China, informing that her presence at the facility was “somewhat illegitimate” and thus her salary was being withheld.The Buxton Health Center“All we know is that she pack up she bag and she lef cause dem tell she that they wouldn’t pay she fuh de wuk she do at de health centre”  one villager commented.At the center,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, several elderly persons were still waiting to receive their health checks,NFL Jerseys Cheap, prescriptions and medication, evidently unaware of the absence of the pharmacist.Some, who inquired about the delay,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, were reportedly told to take their problems elsewhere.“(Tuesday) is when people affected by chronic diseases come from the various communities to receive treatment.”The health centre at Buxton caters for general health needs of persons living in at least five communities along the East Coast terrain. The villages include Annandale, Friendship,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, Tapestry and Bladen Hall.John had been reportedly transferred from Region Five to the Buxton health post several weeks ago where she had been working in the capacity of Assistant Pharmacist. Kaieteur News understands that John had “assumed the position without notification or approval” from the relevant authorities at the Region Four executive office.Region Four’s executive officer, Deolall Rooplall, stated that the issue is currently being sorted out.  The REO claimed that he is unaware of the issue as he was on leave at the time when the woman assumed the position at the health centre.“I am now engaged in talks with the REO of Region Five to bring clarity to the issue.”According to the REO, John had requested a transfer from a Region Five health post but was denied since “there was no vacancy.”However, Rooplall says that while he was on leave, John “assumed the position of Assistant Pharmacist of Buxton Health Centre through the encouragement of the Regional Health Officer,” after the substantive Pharmacist had been dismissed for negligence in performing his duties.Ms. John will be paid but she will possibly have to return to her old job in Region Five. The office there is authorized to handle her payment”Rooplall said that a suitable alternative arrangement will be made to cover the opening at the Buxton Health Centre.“At the interim, the responsibility will have be shared with another pharmacist from a nearby health facility.”

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