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發表於 2017-10-15 06:35:26 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Senior High Court Marshal, Patrick Higgins, was released on $800,Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit Women,000 bail yesterday, after pleading not guiltyPatrick Higginsto allegedly causing the death of an MMC security guard by dangerous driving on Republic Day.Higgins, of Lot 627 Section B Diamond, East Bank Demerara denied the allegation which stated that on February 23, at Houston Public Road, he drove motorcar PTT 4701 in a manner dangerous to the public and caused the death of Juene Carroll Marshall, 60,Cheap Jerseys For Wholesale, of Lot 43 Virginia Village, Cane Grove, East Coast Demerara.It was further alleged that Higgins drove the car while his breath exceeded the prescribed alcohol limit.It was reported that Marshall was riding along the thoroughfare around 04:30hrs, when he was struck by the car that was reportedly proceeding at a fast rate. Marshall and his bicycle ended up in a nearby drain.To both charges, Higgins pleaded not guilty. He was ordered to post bail in the sum of $10,NFL Jerseys Supply,000 on the second charge.  The defendant was represented by Attorney Lyndon Amsterdam, Roger Heywood and Dennis Paul.Heywood presented an application for bail on his behalf. He told the court that there is no evidence that indicates that his client’s breath alcohol level contributed to the accident.The Attorney said that while the accident was unfortunate,cheap jerseys online, Higgins remained at the scene until police arrived. Heywood pointed out that Higgins willingly assisted with police investigations. The Attorney told the court that on the day in question, at about 4:30hrs the alleged victim was proceeding up the one way while clad in very dark clothing.According to Heywood, his client has no antecedents pertaining to criminal charges.However,Cheap NHL Adidas Jerseys, the Prosecutor objected to bail citing the fact that a life was lost. She pointed out that at the time of the accident,NFL Jerseys Cheap, the defendant was driving under the influence of alcohol. The seriousness of the offence was also highlighted by the Prosecutor.Initially,Nike Huarache Shoes For Sale, the Magistrate had set bail for the defendant in the sum of $1M.However, after Higgins’ lawyer told the court that his client would not be able to post the money a reduction was granted. As it relates to the causing death charge, he will return to court on March 4.The other matter will be called again on Monday (February 29).

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