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By Leonard GildarieWestern diplomats yesterday met with the main Parliamentary Opposition as worry continues over an ongoing stalemate regarding critical anti-money laundering legislation.APNU leaders (right) and top diplomats meeting yesterday.It is unlikely that a November deadline can be met,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, with the faction making it clear that it will not support the legislation when it comes before the National Assembly next week.Failure to pass the legislation could see international bodies, tasked with guiding countries into introducing measures to reduce dirty monies being transferred through the financial system, recommending almost certain sanctions.Already the private sector,Nike Shox Men Clearance, banks and insurance companies have warned of severe implications for money transfers, payments for goods and delays in business if Guyana is blacklisted by trading partners for being non-compliant.There have been reports from businesses that bank transfers have been held up by overseas banks as questions arose over the transactions.The issue has sharply divided the Government and Opposition.Government had tabled the legislative changes at the last Parliamentary session, but the Opposition, despite protests over the deadline by the Government, sent it to a special select committee to be fine-tuned. The problem was that the committee’s work suffered a number of delays.An exasperated Government, in the absence of the Opposition members, completed work of the special committee last week and announced that the legislation was going to be sent back to the National Assembly,NFL Jerseys China, in a race against time to meet the November deadline.However, the Opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC), which effectively control the House by a one-seat majority, have both signaled intentions not to lend outright support.Yesterday, senior Parliamentarian for APNU,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, Joseph Harmon, who was among the delegation that met the diplomats,Cheap NFL Jerseys, made it clear that nothing has changed.“We have said it before. We are unhappy with the legislation in its current format. We cannot support it.”APNU will more likely recommend that the legislation be sent back to a special select committee to be fine-tuned.The AFC, on the other hand, has tied any support of the legislation to the appointment of members of the long-awaited Public Procurement Commission. The Opposition has been clamouring for the commission to be operationalised soonest to address concerns of Government contracts. There have been accusations that contracts, to the tune of millions, are being manipulated, with the aggrieved parties not having timely recourse.According to APNU,the meeting yesterday with its leadership involved ambassadors and high commissioners from the United States of America, Great Britain, Canada and the European Union. The meeting was held at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, Hadfield Street.“The main concern of the diplomats was the status of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill. APNU used the opportunity to restate its concerns about the short comings of the current legislation and the fact that the work of the Select Committee was brought to an abrupt end without the benefit of significant input from the Partnership and other interested parties.”APNU, a coalition of 10 parties that contested the 2011 General and Regional Elections, said in a statement that it assured the western diplomats that the partnership is desirous of legislation that is not flawed; that restructures and strengthens the capacity of the Financial Intelligence Unit and addresses all of the deficits of the current one.Present at the meeting were US Ambassador D. Brent Hardt; British High Commissioner, Andrew Ayre; Canadian High Commissioner, Dr. Nicole Giles and European Union Representative, Derek Lambe. APNU was represented by Leader of the Opposition, Brigadier (Ret’d) David Granger; Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine; Basil Williams; Carl Greenidge, Joseph Harmon,jerseys cheap nfl, and Ronald Bulkan.The current Parliament has been the administration’s toughest in its 21-year hold on power.Several Bills, including two critical ones for the Amaila Falls hydro project, have been rejected by the Opposition. There have also been two years of cuts to the National Budget.Several projects including the airport expansion remain stalled.

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