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發表於 2017-10-15 17:53:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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With two days to go before this year’s Emancipation celebration, Eric Phillips of the African Cultural and Developmental Association (ADCA),Cheap NFL Jerseys, yesterday stated that the organization is “well set for the events.”Phillips said that although the association is yet to collect this year’s Government subvention, it usually receives “a variety of financial support from the private sector organization and other concerned groups for the celebration”.The official said that this does not indicate that the group will not collect the money from the government but it plans to do so at a later date. He said that they were unaware of the first handing over ceremony.He noted that one the main features at this year’s celebration which will take place as usual in the National Park,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, will be the award winning ASCOD dance group from Jamaica.Also at the National Park,Jerseys From China, there will be performances by other groups both local and international, children’s fun center, folk games, sporting activities, information booths,Supply NFL Jerseys Factory, traditional dances,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, acrobatic displays and much more.The Association will also feature an African Guyanese Village in acknowledgement of the “greatest” post Emancipation entrepreneurial achievement.Over the years, Buxton and other such villages were featured; however, this year the attention is turned to Hopetown which is located on the West Coast of Berbice.Similarly, ACDA yearly acknowledges an African country from which slaves were captured.Thus Guyanese of African descent who are unaware of their ancestral origins will learn more about these countries. This year the selected country is Uganda-a landlocked country located in East Africa.This year’s emancipation will be observed under the theme “Reclaiming our rights through unified purpose.”Last year was proclaimed by the United Nations to be year for people of African descent which was themed “People of African descent: Recognition,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Justice and Development.”There is also the anticipated designation of years 2013- 2022 as the United Nations decade for people of African descent.

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