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By Samuel WhyteStudents of the Special Needs School at Vryman’s Erven,Cheap NFL Jerseys Online, New Amsterdam will be in a better position to absorb their education and enhance their talents following the donation of over $2M in playground equipment and educational tools including books by the Gail Foundation.The Gail Foundation- (Giving Abundantly In Life-G.A.I.L Incorporated), which is founded and headed by overseas based Guyanese Attorney at law Gail Seeram, is a charitable organization based in Florida that does charity work in Guyana and other parts of the world.Mrs. Yvonne Hinds and donor Gail Seeram cut the ribbon to officially open the play ground.Among the package donated to the school were swings and slides for the playground,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, and a television set,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, projector, books, toys and other educational tools for the Therapy Room of the school.The occasion was blessed with the presence of Mrs. Yvonne Hinds, wife of Prime Minister Samuel Hinds.Mrs. Hinds expressed her delight in being a part of the special occasion. She related her relationship with Gail Seeram, her family and the Gail Foundation and lauded the work of the charitable organization. She stated that the work of the GAIL Foundation is a reminder that Guyanese are willing to support projects in Guyana.Mrs. Hinds,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, who is also the Chairperson of the Guyana Relief Council (GRC), expressed her appreciation for the timely donations given to the less fortunate. She stated that “we must applaud the sterling efforts of this young woman of whom we are very proud, a woman who shares her God-given gifts and her resources with the less fortunate of the world.”In her speech, Founder and Head of the GAIL Foundation,Cheap Air Max 90 Men Shoes, Mrs. Gail Seeram, stated that her initial intention was to build a playground for the students to have recreation, but after visiting the school and taking a tour of the facilities, she was unimpressed with what she saw.She stated, “I took a tour of the building and when I got in front of a classroom I was told that that box of books was the school’s library and I thought that it is not acceptable.”She stated that in addition to acquiring the materials to build the playground she also decided to fund the cost of the Therapy Room. She mentioned that children must have place and room to play and expressed themselves, especially children who are challenged.Also speaking at the simple ceremony were Gail’s father,Supply NFL Jerseys, well known Guyanese journalist Ralph Seeram, and local contact Gregory Rambarran.Ralph and Gail SeeramThey both admonished the school’s authorities to take good care of the facilities and equipment and make sure that it is put to good use. The playground and Therapy Room were blessed by Pastor Williams.The playground is the third playground and the third Therapy Room to be handed over by the GAIL Foundation in Guyana.

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