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Guyana President Bharat Jagdeo paid a visit to the US Navy ship USS Iwo Jima here in Guyana as part of the programme named Continuing Promise.On board, the President met with the Continuing Promise 2010 (CP10) team members and Guyanese patients onboard the large deck, multi-purpose amphibious ship, which is currently anchored off the coast of New Amsterdam, Guyana.President Jagdeo was accompanied on the visit by the U.S. Embassy Charge d’Affaires Thomas Pierce; Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh; Minister of Agriculture, Robert Persaud; and Minister of Public Service, Dr. Jennifer Westford.“Thank you for the work you have done here. It is a partnership and we are thrilled that you are here to work with the government and the people of Guyana,Jerseys NFL Wholesale,” Jagdeo said.The Guyanese leader toured the ship’s bridge,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, well deck, and hangar bay and learned about the ship’s aviation, amphibious and littoral crafts available onboard to support the CP10 mission.During their tour of the medical facilities, the President and the Ministers met Guyanese patients who were recovering from recent low-risk, high-impact surgeries.In Guyana, 40 patients received surgeries onboard the USS Iwo Jima free of cost while another 12 surgeries were performed on shore.Captain Thomas Negus, USN Commodore of the ship said, “Thank you for the opportunity and for taking the time to join us here today. Actions speak louder than words and your actions here today speak very loudly. We have been very blessed here in Guyana,cheap nfl jerseys online, thank you.”The President also met with three of four U.S.-based Guyanese service members presently supporting CP10,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, Marine Cpl. John Eversley, Petty Officer third class Daniel Singh, and Army Capt. Devika Sahedeo. Absent was Navy First Class Petty Officer Kurt Powdar.On October 22, last, the service members were reunited with their Guyanese relatives at the Central Corentyne Secondary School Bush Lot, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana.CP10 is a Humanitarian Civic Assistance (HCA) mission providing medical, dental, veterinary, engineering and community relations support services within the U.S. Southern Command’s area of responsibility.CP10 departed Norfolk, Va., on July 12, 2010,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and by the end of its mission in mid-November, the CP10 crew onboard USS Iwo Jima will have supported eight host nations in four months.Those host nations include: Haiti; Colombia; Costa Rica; Guatemala; Nicaragua; Panama; Guyana,NFL Jerseys Cheap, and Suriname.

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