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發表於 2017-10-16 08:20:54 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Just ten days into National Road Safety Month, November has already recorded a number of road accidents. This situation has not gone unnoticed by the Guyana National Road Safety Council (GNRSC).An accident in Lusignan, East Coast Demerara last week which claimed the life of a young driverRather, GNRSC has expressed great concern over the situation and has called for wiser decisions by drivers, particularly those who are still young.GNRSC representative, Ramona Doorgen, said that the recent accidents have been disheartening to the Council.“We’re greatly concerned that persons are not adhering to the traffic rules,” Doorgen said. She further said that the Road Council was “especially concerned” about those young people losing their lives on Guyana’s roadways.“We can’t understand why young people are out there drinking and driving and speeding. It’s not like they are unaware of what they should be doing so there is no excuse for what we’re seeing.”She emphasised that the deaths can be avoided if drivers simply abided by traffic rules since their decisions lead to serious consequences.“Whether you’re killing yourself or killing someone,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, someone will always be left to grieve. It’s a serious domino effect that just leaves everyone hurt,” she stressed.She called on all drivers to adhere to the five C’s: Caution, Care, Consideration, Courtesy, and Common Sense. She said, too,Supply Cheap Jerseys, that these adherences must not only be for National Road Safety Month but year round.According to statistics coming out of the Guyana Police Force (GPF), there were 76 recorded fatal accidents from January to the end of September. For the same period in 2014, the police said that were 93 fatal accidents. This represented an 18 per cent decrease in fatal accidents.When it came to deaths, there was a recorded 11 percent decrease in road fatalities. For up to September month-end, there were 90 recorded deaths while for the same period last year there were 101 deaths.Deaths of children remained on par with 2014; for both this year and last year there were 12 children who died.November is already turning out to be a bloody month; in just a few days, there were at least six recorded fatalities and nearly two dozen injuries.Last Tuesday, two teens were killed on the No. 74 Public Road,Wholesale Jerseys, Corentyne. The accident claimed the lives of Balram Nourang, 19, of Lot 22 B No. 69 Village, Corentyne and his best friend Haresh Ramsaywack, 17, of Lot 241 No. 69 Village,Wholesale China Jerseys, Corentyne. According to reports, Nourang had been driving along the Corentyne Highway at a fast rate of speed when he swerved and lost control of the vehicle.The lives of Paula Kissoondial, 53, a mother of seven of Lot 128 Second Street, Swamp Section,Cheap Nike Air Max 1, Rose Hall Town and Akeem Harry, 15, a labourer of Sookhoo Street, Rose Hall Town were also claimed in an accident last Tuesday on the No. 46 Public Road, Corentyne.Three other persons, who were all said to be relatives, were hospitalised.The GNRSC is continuing with its planned activities for the month. Doorgen said that on Sunday there will be the observance of World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. She explained that this day will be observed with an awareness walk commencing from the Kitty seawall pump station. From there, the procession will head along Carifesta Avenue before concluding at the police bandstand.“We’ll be giving away free t-shirts and we’re hoping to see about 400 persons participating,” Doorgen said.She added that there will be a programme at the end of the walk where prizes will be awarded. Assembly commences at 3:30am and the walk will start at 4:00am.Doorgen said that there will be a rally on West Coast Demerara as well as a school rally in Essequibo. There will also be a drivers’ seminar before the month’s activities conclude on the last Sunday in November with a repainting of pedestrian crossings and road signs nationwide.This year’s observance of Road Safety Month is being celebrated under the theme “Be Wise, Stay Alive, Stop Speeding,Cheap Jerseys From China, Don’t Drink and Drive.”

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