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發表於 2017-10-16 08:42:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Javone Vickerie“I need an answer to this… I looked at my son and it’s like he don’t know me.”This was the cry of a mother who said that her 18-year-old son tried to kill himself yesterday at the Guyana School of Agriculture, Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara.On Tuesday,NFL Jerseys China, students of the school sent cries of help to a number of persons, claiming that their school was under a “demonic attack”.When Kaieteur News visited the school yesterday, scores of students were seen with suitcases and bags, preparing to leave the premises, while some were collected by their concerned parentsA student (left) being taken away by his parent following the series of events.after they had learnt about the incident.One parent said that on Wednesday morning he received a frantic call from his son who said “Daddy dem things want kill deyself and we in here”. The man said that he immediately contacted the school, but this was to no avail and as such he decided to visit the school.“I traveled from Berbice straight to Georgetown and when I arrived at the school the gate was locked. When I explained to the security that I received a call from my son, he asked me to hold on,Cheap Wholesale Jerseys,” the man recounted.The parent added that he waited for an entire hour before he saw a few students, some of whom were in tears and with their bags,China Jerseys Free Shipping, leaving the premises.He further stated that his son, who appeared to him to be badly shaken, broke down in tears as friends consoled him.“I kept asking him what happened and he just kept crying all the time and his friends said to me that he was nearly killed by a guy with a cutlass,” the man said.The father suggested that a campfire event which took place on Friday may have been the cause for the “demons’ to attack the students.“Dey had the children dem singing ‘call the three-eye jumbie’ while they playing African drums and they dancing around the fire,” the man claimed.Students confirmed to Kaieteur News that this was an annual event for 15 years, and is customarily done before they write exams, as a practice of good luck.A young man (whose name was given) was said to have ran all around the school with a cutlass threatening to kill himself. One student, who is a friend of the lad, said that it took five boys to seize him in order to take away the offensive weapon.“I watch him whole day and I said something wrong with this boy and the next thing we know is he got a cutlass running around the school, so we decide fuh hold him down before he kill someone”, the student said.The visibly shaken student explained that the boy’s eyes “turned up” while he kept shouting and trying to break free from the other male students who tried to calm him.“I am telling you if we de do like what the administration do and ignore we cries, y’all would be seeing eight bodies coming out from here in body bags. We did it because some of dem who get ketch with this thing are close friends of ours,” the student exclaimed.A female student said that on Tuesday (when the first incident occurred) other persons on campus became very suspicious when a young lady was not seen the entire day in class or on campus.She added that when she and others went to see what was going on, they repeatedly shouted for the girl before they decided to break down the door.“When we pushed down the door we saw her lying face down, completely white, so we thought she had died, but when we turn her over she woke up and said ‘they finally release me,’ the girl said.A resident, Darshanie Ramdin,NFL Jerseys From China, said that while she looked on at what was happening in the school she began to pray that no one would be harmed.“This might seem as a joke to many people, but the atmosphere was very evil because I heard cries which were not human at all,” Ramdin said.She added that the school,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Authentic, which was built over a burial ground, has seen many such incidents, but this was the worst of them all.Many students however complained that they constantly asked the Board of Directors to have a Pastor come and pray over the school but this request was refused after it was told to them that the series of incidents were “fabricated” by students who did not want to write their final exams.The students said that due to the events which left some of their colleagues hospitalized and some still traumatized, they decided to return home and sit the exam at a later date.It was related to this publication that only five children sat the exam yesterday.Meanwhile, one mother said that her daughter was rushed to the Georgetown Hospital by the matron and some students when she became “possessed”. The woman added that she was then contacted and told that her daughter was at the hospital seeking medical attention.“When I go there, I see the doctors pumping a set of valium in her to calm her. She just was staring and not saying nothing,” the mother said. She said after leaving the hospital she was then re-contacted and told her daughter was taken to the First Assemblies of God Church.“The nurses dem seh that she body raise up from the bed and they immediately contact the sister from the hospital and when they start praying for her she get up and start attack dem, so they took her to the hospital,” the distraught mother said.Meanwhile, in a release from the Guyana School of Agriculture, it was stated that on Tuesday morning,Womens Nike Free Run, management received a report that a female student was in her room and she was unresponsive.The release further stated that “the Director of Administration, in keeping with standard operating procedures, responded to this report immediately and the student was rushed to the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, the School’s contracted healthcare provider, for urgent medical attention. Her mother was informed and she reached the Matron, who accompanied the student, to the hospital”.The School added that while being examined by the physician, it was found that the student’s vital signs, oxygen saturation level and her random blood sugar level were normal. This led to a diagnosis of a panic attack/anxiety disorder being entertained by the physician, who decided to admit her to the hospital for observation and counseling and possibly psychiatric evaluation. Her mother, however, decided against her being admitted to the hospital.The school then said that rumours subsequently began spreading about the girl being demon possessed on the evening of the said afternoon.Three other students who fell ill that evening were taken to the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital for treatment. Two returned to school that evening, while the other was taken home by her mother.“Students were given the opportunity to leave the school’s compound if they were not comfortable and to return to write their examinations. Students were also offered financial support to pay their transportation costs. Examinations were also pushed back by one day from Wednesday, June 26, 2013 to Thursday, June 27, 2013. Examinations commenced Thursday, June 27,Wholesale Jerseys, 2013 and will continue as scheduled.”

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