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Cheap Jerseys For Wholesale several miles away at Mahdia









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發表於 2017-10-16 12:38:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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While the Education Ministry continues investigations into the school feeding programme at Kato primary school Region Eight, several miles away at Mahdia,Soccer Jerseys From China, primary school students are faced with similar issues.Kaieteur News understands that the Mahdia Primary School lacks the necessary accommodation for its students. It offers adequate toilet facilities and stationery supplies. The security hut of the school is also in urgent need of repairs.The issue was brought to the attention of the Regional Administrative body since 2011 by Regional Democratic councilor,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Neim Mohammed Gafoor, but was given little or no attention.The outhouse facility of Madhia Primary.Gafoor had recommended the construction of another flat atop the school house.  Since then,Cheap Jerseys Online, Gafoor said, only two classrooms have been added to the school building that houses approximately 300 students.“The Mahdia school is overcrowded. The recently added classroom cannot accommodate 300 students in a school built to house 125 children. It is not healthy and conducive to learning; the classrooms are usually hot and dusty as the children sit at approximately 45 students to one teacher.”The RDC said that the situation needs an urgent solution as the school prepares for another influx of students,Nike Air Max 95 For Sale, this September.“We are not getting answers; we need more classrooms and bigger classrooms, and the school is too low. We need to put on another flat on the school.”Kaieteur News understands that the funds used to construct the additional classroom were diverted from building a school in Red Creek located in sub region one.Due to the emergency recommendation by the councilor,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the newspaper was told that the REO decided to utilise the money allocated for the construction of Red Creek Primary School.Kaieteur News understands that the issue of overcrowding also affects another Primary School in the district.The outhouse is surrounded by clumps of bushes, and somewhat decaying making it unsafe for children to use. The security hut is in a similar state.The school also lacks potable water for students and teachers. “After the rains are over there is really no potable water supply”“We recommended that the security hut be upgraded since 2012, but nothing was done. The steps are gone and the security getting wet whenever rain falls,NFL Jerseys Outlet, the REO and the administration is to be blamed as they are not functioning in cooperation with the council. They choose to ignore our plight”A section of the newly constructed classroom.Chief Education Officer, Olato Sam, has promised to investigate the situation.Region Eight Chairman Mark Crawford was unavailable for comment.

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