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Wholesale NFL Jerseys Bacchus and a few accomplices robbed security guard









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發表於 2017-10-16 17:30:03 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Twenty-one-year-old Steve Richard Bacchus accused of whipping out a gun and shooting to death special constable, Quincy Wright, yesterday appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to be arraigned on three indictable charges.Steve Richard BacchusBacchus, decked in a white tee-shirt and blue jeans, was brought into the courtroom of the Chief Magistrate for a short hearing after which he was remanded in prison.He was told that he would not be required to plead to any of the three charges which included murder, attempted murder and a gun robbery.The court heard that on January 23 at Sophia, Georgetown, Bacchus and a few accomplices robbed security guard, Trevor Fraser of a .38 Taurus revolver and six live rounds of matching ammunition all worth $106,Wholesale Jerseys Paypal,000. The weapon was owned by Strategic Action Security Limited.It was alleged, too,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Authentic, that with intent to murder, Bacchus discharged a loaded firearm at security guard Mortimer Maynard.At Lot 76 Guyhoc Park the next day (January 24), Bacchus is accused of murdering special constable Quincy Wright.The prosecution’s case was presented by Inspector Michael Grant who requested two weeks for the file to be completed.Attempted murder and robberyThe Inspector explained that about 23:30 hours on January 23,Cheap Jerseys Authentic, both security guards were in Sophia performing their duties.He said that Fraser was armed with a .38 revolver which had six live rounds when Bacchus and three others held onto Fraser and disarmed him. In the process Mortimer was shot in his thigh.The accused then fled with the firearm,Wholesale Jerseys, the Prosecution said.Dead: Special Constable Quincy WrightThe following day, Special Constable Wright was reportedly at his girlfriend, Alicia Adams’s residence in Guyhoc Park when Bacchus showed up requesting an audience with her.Grant explained that at the time, Wright was in the yard when the accused went to him and peeped in his face and as a result a heated argument ensued between the two.The Inspector recounted that Bacchus consequently pulled out a gun,Cheap MLB Jerseys China, shot at Wright and fled the scene.He said that the Special Constable was picked up in an unconscious state and was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he was pronounced dead on arrival.Bacchus,Wholesale China Jerseys, a resident of Block ‘E’ Sophia was remanded to prison where he will await his next scheduled court hearing on February 18.

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