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Jerseys Cheap NFL as some would say. This arrogance









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發表於 2017-10-16 17:51:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Local hotelier, Robert Badal,Wholesale Jerseys China, is of the firm belief that the Marriott Hotel is a monument of fraud andPegasus Owner,Robert Badaldeceit and would bring shame and disgrace to the international brand.The businessman is also convinced that the international brand will suffer a huge blow to its integrity due to its continued alliance with the “corrupt” ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C). He opined too that as a result of its irresponsible actions, the international franchise may soon be investigated under the USA Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.Badal, speaking one day before the internationally branded hotel is due to open officially for business said that as the “soup” drinkers comprising the Private Sector Commission, Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association and other bodies,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, would in their usual style of betrayal, dance to the tune of a corrupt and incompetent Government and the hollow promises of a low-end hotel brand as it could not resist the fat pay check of a management fee extorted from the poorest taxpayers in the region.Badal is the owner of the Pegasus Hotel, located right next door to the Marriott in Kingston. He has been critical of the tax concessions and a host of other special benefits that Government extended to the Marriot.Badal said that while millions of taxpayers’ dollars have been pumped into the hotel… “children will still wake up in the morning to long periods of blackout and face the same situation when they arrive home to do their homework. We cannot provide any decent level of health care or pay a living minimum wage and university students still have to contend with sub-standard facilities in their quest for a better life. Our roads are still deplorable and citizens overtaxed…”Badal deemed the entire scheme to be fraud and corruption of the highest level.“It shows clearly that the Ramotar administration believes that it owns us, that the taxes we pay belong to them,cheap nfl jerseys, that they have a transport on us, as some would say. This arrogance, deceit and fraud must be stopped,” he added.Badal reminded that many on the local scene are convinced that the US$8M to be used to pay for 67% equity represents the kickback from the project.ýHe is convinced that it was the intention of the powers behind the project to end up owning a US$58Mý hotel built on taxpayers sacrifice by paying US$8M to be received from kickbacks. This he said, amounts to public theft.Badal asserted that while the poor Guyanese taxpayers are footing the US$58M hotel,jerseys cheap nfl, Marriott Hotel International is perhaps, smiling “as its monthly operating cost including salaries, electricity, maintenance,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, security, etcetera are also paid by our taxpayers.”He is of the opinion that this amount exceeds $50M per month which is likely to continue if the PPP remains in office.“While the Government of Guyana is unresponsive to popular opinion and puts the interest of others before the interest of Guyanese because they feel that there is nothing we could do about it, what does this say about the morality of the Marriott brand?”He said that the General Manager of the hotel and the executives in the USA must have known that this project is widely criticized locally and that it was not approved by the National Assembly as a resolution was passed demanding a forensic audit of this project.He said that the Marriott executives must have known that the misuse of public resources by the PPP/C Government in such a manner is unprecedented in any democracy in which it operates and would not even be contemplated in the USA, its domiciled countryý.He added, “Given this, then why has it been associating with a questionable project? Why continue to be a parasite on the backs of Guyanese taxpayers?”He stressed that reputable brands and businesses are built on strong values,Cheap Jerseys USA, integrity, and responsible alliances.  As such, the exploitation of a poor nation he opined, would hardly suggest that the Marriott Hotels represent these values.“I believe that its brand would take a big hit internationally because of its alliance with the corrupt PPP administration. It may even sometime not long from now be investigated under the USA Foreign Corrupt Practices Act,” he concluded.

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