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[平板電腦] Wholesale NFL Jerseys China qmghicuk









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發表於 2017-10-16 19:52:59 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Central Housing and Planning Authority has commenced a comprehensive land regularisation process for squatter settlements. Such settlements are in high risk, and are environmentally unsafe. People now occupy cemeteries,Wholesale Jerseys China, and live on the sea defence, the Lamaha Railway Embankment and other drainage reserves, Housing Ministry officials disclosed.Government is grappling with re-organising and regularising squatting areas in order to make new land available, prepare infrastructure for new schemes,Cheap Jerseys China, while processing thousands of applications for new lots.On Tuesday, Minister of Housing and Water,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Irfaan Ali, started a series of consultations to regularize communities. Among the first was Cane Grove, Mahaica East Coast Demerara. This session was held at the Cane Grove Neighbourhood Democratic Council office where Government officials work in conjunction with members of the community to establish consensus on certain matters.According to Minister Ali, after the occupational survey would have been completed, further consultations will be held with residents to form a land tax register plan.“You have built your homes and everything but you do not have any title of ownership or document to those lands, so we are here to move forward to have the area regularized so that you can have titles to your land…“There is the need to identify possible locations for a small housing development to house the number of persons who would fall outside the regularisation area when the task would have been completed,” Minister Ali said.He said this plan will see extensive consultation within the community and for its successful implementation residents are required to work in tandem with the government to have the smooth execution of the community development plan.“In the Cadastral plan (land tax register), this is where the difficulty will arise because in Cane Grove,Cheap Jerseys From China, we have to put palls, and some people might fall between two palls…When we complete the occupational survey and move onto the cadastral survey you will have a situation where some people will have to be relocated, it is not something we can avoid,NFL Jerseys Cheap, and it is due to the unstructured way in which persons would have occupied the land…“We will have to look at small areas to develop some house lots for persons who would not fit into the cadastral plan,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, this is the reality and we have to face it.”He added that one of the difficulties in the Cane Grove area is the need to conduct an occupational survey as more persons would have constructed homes since the last survey was done.“This is the foremost task at hand,Cheap NBA Jerseys Authentic, which would begin within one week and would take approximately six weeks to be completed…Towards this end, the Ministry of Housing and Water, will be collaborating with the Lands and Surveys Department to expedite the process,” Minister Ali said.

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