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Wholesale Jerseys ”









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發表於 2017-10-16 21:20:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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President Bharrat Jagdeo, prior to his departure for New York on Sunday, reported to media operatives that the Government of Brazil has committed to supporting Guyana in the establishment of large-scale farms in the Rupununi savannahs.According to Jagdeo,Wholesale Jerseys,”(Guyana) has some strong commitments from the Federal Government of Brazil to assist with some of the key projects that we see as vital for our future.”The President disclosed that by month’s end, a team from Brazil is slated to travel to Guyana to have discussions with “our people to discuss financing modalities,Cheap Jerseys From China, and in early October another team led by some Ministers will come, hopefully to advance the discussions.”He emphasized that he was not talking about projects way into the future. “We are talking about immediate action to move things forward.”According to President Jagdeo, he had traveled to Roraima State and had met with several officials. The discussions centered on advancing the developing of large-scale agriculture in “our intermediate savannahs and in the Rupununi.”He revealed, also, that the discussions focused on the transfer of technology from EMBRAPA, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation. “They are very serious about the transfer of technology to Guyana that would allow us to become a major player in these areas.”He said that at present “there are large projects we are looking at… there is soya beans,China NFL Jerseys, rice, cassava cultivation, but these could be extended into other areas.”According to Jagdeo, prior to his trip to Brazil,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Authentic, he had a meeting with Toshaos in Lethem and the Rupununi Chamber of Commerce to discuss the future of Region Nine and how they would benefit and what role they will have to play.The disclosure by the President comes on the heels of a previous call to the private sector to invest in large plantation-type farming. At the recent certification ceremony for the Ogle International Airport, Jagdeo had said that if Guyana wanted to position itself as the food basket of the Caribbean,Cheap Jerseys From China, then it is imperative that the nation move in that direction.According to the president, the private sector must take up the mantle and invest in farming on a large scale, pointing out that whilst peasant/subsistence farming was good, the scale of farming in Guyana must be significantly increased.“I would like to see the private sector partner with the government in large-scale, plantation-type agriculture in the hinterland.”The President noted that there must be a serious look at how the government and the private sector could structure a deal in order to “get this project off the ground and ensure that it does not become another dream or something we talk about.”The Head of State insisted that there is need for a value-added arm to the growing of crops, “that is what it will take to make us the food basket of the Caribbean.”The President pointed out that there were areas that need to be heavily focused on in order to achieve the objective.He noted, “First we need to do things at scale,” adding that small-scale projects are important but,Cheap Jerseys China, “they are not going to have the transformative impact on our society that we wish.”According to Jagdeo, “What is also necessary is the sustainability of the programmes in tough market conditions, and to have that happen, we have to have productivity and the competitiveness of our product.”This, he said, is supposed to be a mantra across the board and was not just specific to agricultural produce.

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