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Jerseys NFL Wholesale Mr Robert Ross









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發表於 2017-10-16 23:59:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– officials dispatched to Berbice to investigateComplete with labelling which states that it is a product of Guyana, a counterfeit margarine has been found on the local market, and the management of Sterling Products is certainly not elated about the recent find.“It can’t be good…,Nike Men Air Max 97,” said Quality Assurance Manager of Sterling Products, Mr Robert Ross,Authentic China Jerseys, of the product which bears an imitation Sterling Products ‘Golden Cream’ label.  The product was only a few days ago found on the shelves of shops in Regions Five and Six, leading the relevant authorities to believe that the product is being manufactured inAt left is the legitimate margarine produced locally by Sterling Products and at right is the counterfeit product.a neighbouring territory.In stating his displeasure about the disturbing find, Ross in a comment to this publication yesterday pondered over the fact that “there is a product that is a counterfeit out there and there is no accountability for it; it is under a brand it shouldn’t be under.”He disclosed that the product was first detected by members of its sales team who routinely visit areas across the country, including Berbice, to sell various Sterling products.While unwilling to comment on any suspicions about the origin of the counterfeit product,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Ross said that it has the appearance of margarine but the texture is noticeably dissimilar to that produced by Sterling Products.A bucket of the counterfeit product,Cheap Jerseys Authentic, seen by this publication yesterday, had the appearance of rancid margarine thus did not look fit for human consumption.According to Director of the Government Analyst Food and Drug Department, Mr. Marlan Cole,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the body is prepared to take all necessary actions to uncover the source of the counterfeit product. He disclosed that moves are already being made to work along with the Port Health Authority to ascertain if the product is being imported and prevent such activities from continuing.Cole is doubtful that the product is being manufactured locally; since he is of the belief that the requisite mechanisms are not available in Berbice to produce and package it. However, should the origin of the product he found to be here or associated with anyone here, Cole noted that legal action can be taken by the Food and Drug Department or the affected company. He noted too that based on the Food and Drug Act Chapter 34:03, the Food and Drug Department could close down any manufacturing operation here linked to the counterfeit product and seize all related equipment.Already a team consisting of officials from Sterling Products and the Food and Drug’s National Food Safety and Control Committee in Regions Five and Six have been dispatched to determine where the product was first obtained. According to Cole, moves have also since been made to seize the bogus item that was available on the market.A press statement issued by the Food and Drug Department yesterday outlined the details of the counterfeit product, pointing out that it is a 10 kilogram bucket of margarine with the ‘Golden Cream’ label being circulated in Regions Five and Six.In highlighting the discrepancies of the counterfeit product, the statement pointed out that the label does not have the word margarine nor a visible note stating “free of transfat” while the colour of the label is a deeper blue and lighter yellow than the legitimate product label. Added to this the counterfeit product’s label does not bear the International Standards Organisation (ISO) 9001-2008 mark under the list of ingredients as is usually evident on the Sterling Products’ labels.The counterfeit margarine represents the first counterfeit product report received by the Food and Drug Department for this year,Jerseys Cheap NFL, according to Cole.

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