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發表於 2017-10-17 04:12:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Leon SuseranThe seventh Annual Berbice Expo and Trade Fair opened Friday evening at the Albion Sports Complex. The event is being executed by the Central Corentyne Chambers of Commerce under the theme “Promoting Agro- Businesses and Tourism”.Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce , Manniram Prashad, declared the event open.Minister Prashad praised the organizers and stated that the event has been “growing in stature since its inception in 2005”.He said that it is an event ‘that has certainly taken a stranglehold on the people of Berbice”.Guyana Fire Service boothHe lauded the exhibitors from Suriname and Brazil who have been participating annually. “Berbice Expo is here to stay and will get bigger and better,” he said.He stated that new, exciting companies will be displaying their products.Prashad praised the Central Corentyne Chambers of Commerce for “showcasing such a wonderful event” since “it highlights the accomplishments of the Ancient County of Berbice and how it is seamlessly integrated in a more progressive and competitive county”.He said that the trade fair “puts Berbice on the map” and creates an avenue for businesses and provides patrons with a vast variety of options when choosing a product or service and encourages good consumer practices by businesses”.He alluded to the recently passed Consumer Affairs Bill in Parliament which will “go a long way in protecting our consumers in Guyana”.The Minister touted Guyana’s leading beach, the Number 63 Beach and committed to its expansion and development in the future. “It will become a premier attraction for the entire Guyana.“Our vision is to transform the beach into a world-class attraction, into an entertainment, and party zone.“A boardwalk, restaurants,Cheap Jerseys From China, game arcades, showers,Cheap NFL Jerseys, all modern facilities, small hotels,Jerseys NFL Cheap, resort development, games and rides, including bars,Wholesale China Jerseys, shops, jet-ski rentals, designated parking, lifeguards, etc will become a reality shortly at that beach.”Fort Nassau, an old Dutch Fort up the Berbice River, will be earmarked for development and placement on the tourism map in Guyana, he said.At Belvedere, Corentyne Industrial Estate, he said, will benefit Region Six and urged businesses to make use of the facility. “Come on board now!” he urged.He urged the Private sector to invest in tourism in Berbice. He mentioned Gidesh Singh of Cortours “who has invested millions of dollars in Orealla,2014 Olympic Team USA #44 Brooks Orpik White Stitched NHL Jersey, Cow Falls and Wanatoba” on the Corentyne River.He also said that a Canje Night is in the planning and will be held shortly.Chairman of the Private Sector Commission, Ramesh Dookhoo, in his address, praised agriculture and sugar in Guyana and their contributions to the “development of Guyana”. “Our success in agriculture will depend on our ability to package our fresh food and preserve them for longer lifespans, extend the production of fresh foods and supermarket- type products”, he stated.He said just one fruit- processing plant in Guyana “will change the agricultural landscape for a very long time”.  A major leap will be from farming to processing, he added.He urged more hoteliers to get their businesses on the internet for better marketing. He alluded to the fact that only one hotel from Berbice is on TripAdvisor.com and that more should get on board.The President of the Corentyne Chamber,cheap nfl jerseys, Imran Hamid, urged the Minister to ensure a permanent site for Berbice Expo each year. He wished “for a wonderful, well- packed expo for the next four days”.The exposition and trade fair opened after a wet and rainy day in Berbice. The Albion Ground was wet and soggy but visitors trickled in as the evening progressed and the weather cleared.Many local companies are showcasing their products. There are craft items and food and agriculture-based items.Companies such as GuySuCo, Ministry of Tourism, Courts, Comfort Sleep, Republic Bank, NAMILCO, Edward B. Beharry, GPL, Ethnic Relations Commission, DIGICEL, NIS, New GPC, Guyana Fire Service, NARI, numerous food shops and a host of other companies were on hand to showcase their products and services.The exposition runs until Monday.

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