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–    Claims dogs are friendlyThe owner of the two pit bull dogs that badly mauled a Kitty,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, Georgetown pensioner two weeks ago,Wholesale Jerseys Outlet,Owner of the Pit Bullshas refuted claims that he has refused to compensate the victim.Yesterday,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Alex Prashad told Kaieteur News that ever since the incident happened, he and his wife have been rendering assistance to the victim.He explained that he acquired the pit bulls in order to protect his home. Prashad operates a barber shop and claims that his shop was broken into many times,Cheap MLB Jerseys China, causing him to suffer losses amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars.Prashad said that he reared one of the animals for almost two years and he recently received the second one from one of his friends, Charles.Charles told this publication that the dogs, Susie and Bullets,NBA Jerseys China, are “very friendly” and “indoor dogs” who never attacked anyone in the area before.Pensioner who was mauled by the pit bullsBut on February 20 last, he said that Prashad’s neighbour on his left rears chickens and the dogs got agitated so they “dug a hole under the neighbour’s mesh fence” and killed two chickens.They then attacked a dog before they made their move on 63-year-old Mabarak Ali.On that day, Ali was badly bitten and was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital.Ever since he has been discharged, he has been bedridden.His wife,Cheap NFL jerseys China, Khairoon Ali,Air Max 2018 Shoes, said that the man has no activity in his left hand.She also stated that Prashad had not rendered any assistance.However, the owner of the dogs yesterday told Kaieteur News that he has been visiting Ali daily and has been taking “stuff” for him.He also added that he spoke to the family about compensating them, but “they said that after Ali is fully recovered” they will handle the matter.The owner claims that he is “more” than ready to assist the family and put an end to the matter. (Romila Boodram)

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