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發表於 2017-10-17 06:43:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Private gas station owner Christopher Satyanand and the Guyana Oil Company (GUYOIL) were at odds after Satyanand lowered the price for fuel at his service station, Chicoramas Service Centre, in Non Pareil.He was offering to sell gasoline at $772 per gallon, some $5 less than what the GUYOIL gas stations are selling gasoline for.Satyanand explained to this newspaper that he was lowering his prices in an effort to lower the bar on the price of gasoline in Guyana. “Even though the GUYOIL stations lowered their prices,” said Satyanand, “I think it can still be lowered more.”In the Tuesday issue of the Kaieteur News, Satyanand alleged that GUYOIL representatives had gone to the Chicoramas Fuel Station with four armed guards and had readjusted the price of gasoline on the gas pumps.However, through its lawyers, the oil company said that nothing could have been further from the truth. The lawyers said that the guards went to the Chicoramas gas station to repossess the oil company’s equipment, since the contract with the gas station had expired.The lawyer further said that Satyanand, although under contract with Guyoil, actually purchased fuel from Sol, (Shell) in direct breach of the contract. However, up to yesterday, the gas station remained in operation, retailing fuel ostensibly supplied by Guyoil.According to Satyanand, he returned to Guyana in July this year, and took over the management of the gas station after his father had passed away earlier this year. He said that just after he had reopened the gas station, in September, representatives from GUYOIL came and tried to repossess two of the gas pumps and four of the outlets.He said that the whole thing caught him by surprise, and he refused to allow the GUYOIL personnel to take the equipment. “I kept on asking for authorization,” explained Satyanand. “They showed me some documents,Cheap Jerseys Online, but I asked for additional paperwork,China Jerseys NFL Wholesale, and I did not let them take the pumps.”He said that,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, some two days later,Wholesale Jerseys, the GUYOIL personnel returned with the documentation he had requested. They were accompanied by six armed guards. At this point,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, Satyanand said, he allowed the pumps to be removed.He said that the reason he was given for the removal of the equipment was because the gas station was not meeting the volume of sales required to warrant having eight outlets and four pumps.Earlier this month, Satyanand lowered the price of gasoline at his gas station to $772 per gallon. He is claiming that after a story about his reduced price of gasoline was published in Kaieteur News on November 12 last, GUYOIL representatives called him and said that if he did not readjust his prices in keeping with the GUYOIL price of gasoline, they (GUYOIL) would repossess their pumps.After Satyanand did not readjust his prices,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Authentic, “They said that the choice was to either readjust the prices or have the pumps repossessed,” said Satyanand.The lawyers for the oil company say that this is inaccurate.

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