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Cheap NFL Jerseys China East Coast Demerara.According to reports









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發表於 2017-10-17 07:07:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A mother of six is now nursing stab wounds to her head and shoulder after her husband of 17 years stabbed her while she was seeking refuge at her sister’s residence in Good Hope yesterday.Yankumarie KissoonThe injured woman was identified as 30-year-old Yankumarie Kissoon of lot 3 Phase Two Good Hope,Cheap Jerseys, East Coast Demerara.According to reports,cheap nfl jerseys discount, about 1:00 pm yesterday, Kissoon was at her sister’s home when her enraged husband arrived armed with a knife.Seema Singh, Kissoon’s sister, said,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, “He walk in the house just suh and he turn to meh sister and ask she ‘why you go to police’ then he pull out the knife and start jook her in her head. I start look for me husband cutlass.”The woman added that her brother-in-law then ran after her sister but she managed to jump a neighbour’s fence and sought refuge. After the vicious attack, Singh said that the assailant then picked up his toddler son and exited the yard.Singh said that family members rushed Kissoon who was bleeding heavily from the head to the Georgetown Public Hospital.A relative of the attacker told this publication that the couple had a few violent issues. The relative added that about two months ago the assailant was sentenced to one month imprisonment for abusing his wife.Kissoon’s sister explained that after the man was released from prison,Cheap MLB Jerseys, both individuals decided to work things out and move on with their lives in the best interest of their children.The man’s relative said that the day prior to the attack,Wholesale Jerseys From China, the aggressor had a few friends over for drinks when Kissoon came from the house to use the latrine. “She go in the latrine but she didn’t lock the door so the men them see her private parts. He walk up to her after the men start laughing and he ask she why she couldn’t lock the door behind her and she turn and tell he so what”,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Online, the relative said..The family member added that after the statement the man then became annoyed and began to slap the victims face before pushing her head into the latrine.“He start behave at a rate so we hold him and tell he calm down he self because he go fuh pick up ah wood fuh lash she.”Kissoon made a report to the police and patrols were on a look out for him.The house where the stabbing occurredWhen Kaieteur News visited the home of the couple, the children were at home but there was no sign of the attacker. Neighbours related that the man escaped on foot towards the seawalls and was never seen.The assailant was later seen by this publication being towed by another man before he entered the house.Dressed in a red jersey and a white cap the man waited at the gate for about five minutes. This caused residents to come out in their numbers to plead with him to surrender.Seconds after, two officers on motorcycles came around the corner and the assailant escaped yet again on foot.Up to press time, the assailant was still on the run while the victim has since been admitted to the Georgetown Hospital.

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