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[平板電腦] Cheap MLB Jerseys 2008









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Forty-one year-old Shawn Younge of Belladrum Village,Wholesale Jerseys, Berbice, was yesterday sentenced to two years imprisonment after he pleaded guilty to obtaining money by false pretence.Younge was accused of obtaining $15,000 from Orlando Harlequin on March 13, 2008,Wholesale Cheap NFL Football Jerseys, under the pretence that he could obtain a Guyana passport.The accused made his court appearance yesterday before Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson, at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.Younge told the magistrate that he and Harlequin were friends and on the day in question,cheap nfl jerseys black friday, he accompanied him to the passport office.The man admitted in court yesterday that he told Harlequin that he knew someone who could get the passport “done really fast”.He explained that he took the $15,Cheap NFL Jerseys Online,000 from Harlequin and used it to pay his transportation.The VC who was present in court said that he gave Younge the money to help him get the passport, and that was almost two years ago.He said that he was at Staborek Market on Thursday last and saw the defendant. The man said he quickly alerted a police officer that was in the vicinity and told the officer that Younge was wanted.At this point Younge interjected and told the magistrate that he was in neighbouring Trinidad and Tobago working and all he needs is time to pay back the money.“My worship if you could place me on self bail…I’m more than happy to pay him back the money”.Police Prosecutor Stephen Telford,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, told the court that the money was given to Younge, since he claimed he was in the position to obtain the passport.Telford said that after the defendant received the money several checks were made at his home, but he was nowhere to be found.According to the prosecutor,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, the police were only able to locate Younge on July 1 at the Stabroek Market Square.The magistrate subsequently sentenced Younge to two years imprisonment.

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