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NFL Jerseys From China Social Studies – 138 and Science – 142









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發表於 2017-10-17 15:45:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A number of questions related to the education sector are expected to be brought to Minister Priya Manickchand, when the 62nd Sitting of the National Assembly is convened on Wednesday.Minister of Education, Priya ManickchandAnd one question that has been gaining national attention of recent is that of the Analysis of the National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA), which is slated to be moved by Shadow Minister of Education and Chief Whip of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), Ms Amna Ally.Moreover,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Ally is set to solicit from the Minister a written analysis of the NGSA for all of the Regions,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, as well as an overall percentage of pupils who fell below the pass marks in Mathematics, English,Cheap Jerseys From China, Science and Social Studies. She will also be seeking to ascertain how many students fell below 400 marks and whether the results of the Grades Two and Four Assessments were included in the final Grade Six Assessment in all cases.The Minister at a press conference to unveil the 2013 results,cheap nfl jerseys black friday, disclosed that 16,811 pupils were entered into the 2013 NGSA which was conducted on March 25 and 26, 2013.These performers, according to the Minister, had previously participated in the National Grade Two Assessment in 2009 and the National Grade Four Assessment in 2011. A percentage of the two Assessments were combined with the NGSA in order to determine the candidates’ overall scores, the Minister said.She explained that five per cent of each candidate’s Grade Two Score in Mathematics and English and 10 per cent of the Grade Four score in the same subjects were added to 85 per cent of each candidate’s score in those subjects. The combined scores in Mathematics and English were added to the scores gained in Science and Social Studies.The highest possible standardised scores obtainable were Mathematics – 134, English – 146, Social Studies – 138 and Science – 142, while the highest possible overall total score a candidate could have obtained was 560.Ally’s line of questioning is also intended to impel the Minister to divulge whether there were requests in 2012 for reviews of the NGSA exam results and whether these were reviewed.Further still Ally is expected to ask if similar requests for reviews were made following the 2013 NGSA, how many,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and when will they be completed.But Manickchand, in commenting on concerns about the tabulation for placement of pupils following the 2013 NGSA, said that “we haven’t had more appeals than usual.”APNU’s Amna AllyThe Minister, who was at the time speaking at a press conference at the National Centre for Educational Resource Development, disclosed that an initial batch of appeals has been dealt with,Wholesale Football Jerseys, even as she pointed out that “we make sure we do it thoroughly and no child has been given grades that would change the schools they received…If we have changes we will let you know”.Among the other questions that the Education Minister is slated to respond to are those pertaining to the reach of the Learning Channel; a contract between the Television Guyana Inc. (TVG) and Government; deaths which occurred at Government-funded dormitories/hostels of secondary schools in the hinterland regions, information technology equipment in secondary schools; and the teachers’ quarters at Morawhanna.

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