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Plans by the Central Islamic Organisation Guyana (CIOG) to implement a US$1M medical centre that will also accommodate a dialysis centre, are being stymied by officials of the Mayor and City Council.President of the CIOG, Fazeel Ferouz, said that after months of the royal run around by the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) to obtain a tax compliance certificate, there is still no movement by the council to make the land available.The land is located at 278 Thomas Street, Cummingsburg, said the CIOG President. He said that the General Council of Islamic Brotherhood which is no longer functioning.After months of running around in a failed attempt acquire the compliance, members of the CIOG are frustrated,China Jerseys Wholesale, the President of CIOG noted. He is appealing to the council to speed up the procedure.Ferouz explained that documents were processed last September and all monies paid to get the land transferred from the General Council of Islamic Brotherhood to the CIOG. The only other issue that was left to be completed was the certificate of compliance which shows that all the taxes have been paid for the land.He said from October last CIOG has been given the royal run around in obtaining the certificate of compliance from the M&CC.He noted that the M&CC officials have given various excuses when his people visited,Wholesale Baseball Jerseys 2018, sometimes as many as three times a day. “They said the document is ready, come tomorrow, come tomorrow. The document is on the desk of the town clerk. The document has to be signed. The town clerk is not available. Come back tomorrow. Then they eventually said that they have to come and visit the site and all sorts of strange things.”The CIOG President noted that he was told by executives that someone at the Mayor and City Council “wants something but we are not in that kind of business of passing something to anyone. I spoke to the Mayor myself and he said that is nonsense and that I should get the tax compliance.”He said the person who interfaced with the M&CC is Khakhan Ramjohn, an executive of CIOG and who has visited the council on umpteen occasions but was being pushed around by the authorities there.“I was told last week that the document was signed by the town clerk but it was locked up in her office and if I could come back at one o’ clock,  I returned and was told that she was not there they told me to come back and was told she was still not in….its been very frustration.”He said the Mayor and Deputy Mayor told him that they would look at the issue but nothing was forthcoming.Ferouz said that he is contemplating asking Minister of Local Government Kellawan Lall to intervene since it appears as if the Mayor has no solutions.He said that CIOG has announced the project and was given approval in principle by two donors, one is a Guyanese who lives in the United Kingdom (UK). He has promised US$500,000. The other donor is the Islamic Development Bank in Saudi Arabia who is also willing to donate US$500,000.The CIOG President noted that the building needs to be constructed before a Medical Centre is implemented. “Our fear is that both of these donors have been asking us (CIOG) what is the position,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, why is it that the documents cannot be produced for the place which is the transport to show ownership of the land. And if this cannot be done then the funding will be withdrawn.”He explained that if the M&CC further procrastinates an opportunity will be lost to build a medical centre to not only assist patients with dialysis, but also in the area of gynecology, diagnostic, pediatrics and other medical related procedures.“If we don’t have the transport then no funds will be released to start construction….I can imagine what is happening to ordinary Guyanese who don’t know these officials on a first name basis, or have their cell numbers or who cannot contact them,Authentic NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, I can imagine the frustration!”The medical centre,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, when completed, will receive further donations of equipment from the Islamic Development Bank and groups in Toronto,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Canada,NFL Jerseys Outlet, and other countries while CIOG will be seeking partners in the medical field both locally and abroad. “We want to provide health care at an affordable price…(something) which would be opened to all Guyanese.”When Mayor Hamilton Green was contacted, he said that there is serious incompetence in the administrative level of the M&CC which is disgusting.He said that he would further enquire why the completion of the document was taking so long since he was also told that some part of the document might have been misplaced.

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