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發表於 2017-10-17 21:23:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Dangerous driving accused refused bailOtis Jamieson, the man accused of causing the death of Alliance for Change member Bholan Boodhoo whilst driving in a dangerous manner, was yesterday remanded to prison by Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.The 37-year-old accused pleaded not guilty to the charge which stated that on November 6 on JB Singh Road, he drove minibus,Wholesale Jerseys China, BGG4671,Cheap Custom Jerseys, in a dangerous manner, ultimately causing the death of Boodhoo.The prosecution was represented by Sergeant Bharat Mangru. He told the court that at about 4:50hrs, Jamieson was speeding north along the western side of JP Singh Road when the front center of the vehicle collided with Bholan Boodhoo and Bibi Jamaul Baksh who were walking along the western side of the road.According to Mangru,Cheap Air Max Shoes, Boodhoo’s body was dragged 130 feet from the point of impact, while Baksh was pitched some distance away.The victims were picked up in an unconscious state and rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where Boodhoo was pronounced dead on arrival. Baksh sustained injuries and was subsequently hospitalized.Boodhoo resided at Lot 41 Third Street, Alberttown Georgetown. A long standing member of the Alliance for Change (AFC),Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and an adviser to the political party on matters of Economics and Finance for several years, the 65 year-old book store owner was out on a morning jog when he met his demise.Representing the accused was Attorney at Law Peter Hugh who begun his client’s defense by stating that “It was merely an unfortunate accident that resulted in the loss of a life.”Hugh told the court that his client,cheap jerseys elite, an electrical engineer, resides at 20 Thomas Road, South Cummingsburg. As the lawyer applied for reasonable bail, he stated that his client, who is the father of three minor children,Cheap NFL Jerseys, is not a flight risk, and offered to have his passport lodged.The Prosecution however objected to bail on account of the seriousness and prevalence of the offence. Prosecutor Mangru further stated that there is a likelihood that Jamieson will have to face more charges and if granted bail,Cheap NBA Jerseys, he may not return to court.The Chief Magistrate refused bail and investigations are expected to be completed in time for Jamieson’s next court appearance which is set for November 26.

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