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發表於 2017-10-17 22:10:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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There is need for greater cooperation between Guyana and other South American states, particularly in the area of food and bio-diesel production, Minister of Agriculture, Robert Persaud, said during a recent visit to Brazil.In a presentation delivered at the Sixth course for South American diplomats at Palacio Itamaraty, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, Minister Persaud said that a significant portion of Guyana鈥檚 land mass is arable and fertile and has abundant sources of fresh water and an equatorial climate, which allows year long growing conditions.Persaud also spoke about the opportunities that exist as Guyana is the only net food exporter in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), with significant excess capacity to substantially increase its food exports to other markets.Guyana, as a South American country, is desirous of forging stronger ties with other South American countries and of strengthening those already in place in all areas of cooperation, he added.He noted that over the coming year the administration will focus on a wide range of activities designed to both assist the private sector and improve public sector services.This will increase the volume and improve quality of production, and the export of the both traditional and non-traditional agricultural products.The Minister added that the bio-fuels sector has been identified as a strategic growth sector of the economy, and his government has taken specific steps to promote its expansion.Currently, Persaud added, Guyana鈥檚 major export markets are the United States, Canada, the European Union and the Caribbean Community.Guyana/Brazil bilateral relations, the Minister said,NFL Jerseys Outlet, have been typified by friendly and constructive collaborations and the two countries have concluded several bilateral Agreements and Memoranda of Understanding.These cover areas such as trade, communication, security, health, education, culture, scientific research, consular matters, energy, and inter-university collaboration, among others.In the field of agriculture, the area of cooperation exists aiding the movement of products like soyabean, cashew, spices, cassava and pest control, forest cover monitoring, training and climate change, aquaculture and savannah rice cultivation.Other areas of cooperation between Guyana and Brazil include the Mixed Border Commission, police and military cooperation and enhanced trade relations.In addition, cooperation on preserving tropical rainforests is very pertinent, he said.Both countries continue to share a common commitment towards greater regional integration, respect for the sovereignty of states and the right to self-determination, he added.Persaud, during his visit, met with Brazilian Government officials, investors and farmers to discuss areas of mutual concern and possible areas for collaboration in the arena of agriculture.It is anticipated that the visit will further strengthen the Technical Cooperation Programme between Guyana and Brazil for projects in the areas of Upland Rice Production and, Corn Production in the Savannahs of Guyana, Aquaculture and Forestry Management.These projects are part of a Basic Agreement on Technical Cooperation concluded between the Governments of Guyana and Brazil.

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