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Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Dwight









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發表於 2017-10-17 22:13:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Yannason Duncan.In July of this year, twenty-nine-year-old Dwight Parris, formerly of Bush Lot Village, Essequibo Coast, graduated as the Best Foreign Student with a Distinction in Mechanical Engineering from the University of St.Ciensuegos,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Cuba.And for his stellar performance, he received a phenomenal award from the Cuban Government,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, which took the form of a one-year all expenses paid scholarship in which Parris would peruse his Masters Degree.In 1998, Dwight, then a student of the Guyana Technical Institute in Georgetown, graduated as the best student in the field of mechanical engineering.Shortly afterwards, he sought employment at the then Guyana Water Authority, now referred to as the Guyana Water Incorporated, and obtained a job as a plant operator. His employment at that company lasted for two years.A very quiet,Air Max 97, smart and disciplined young man, Dwight said his motivation and crave for a more advanced education began shortly after both of his parents died while he was yet a teenager. Coming from a poor home,Nike Air Max Shoes For Men, Dwight recalled his childhood days as being rough.He recounted on many occasions having to stay away from school and seeking employment from rice farmers just to generate enough income to assist his mother.Dwight attended the Anna Regina Primary School, before going on to the Anna Regina Multilateral School. He recalled maintaining an excellent report throughout his high school years.In 2002, he was granted a Government scholarship which afforded him the opportunity to study in Cuba,Wholesale China Jerseys, where he spent six memorable years. He recollected his experience studying in Cuba as ‘bitter/ sweet’.Dwight said he was focused on his studies at all times. “In the field of Mechanical Engineering, a lot of theory work is done which took the form of research and report writing.”Sharing his most intriguing experience, Dwight said the lasting friendships he established with his peers from different countries will always be treasured. He said he was impressed by the fact that all of his teachers in Cuba possessed PhDs.Dwight said one other thing that astonished him was Cuba’s advanced educational system. Dwight shared his worst experience as experiencing a hurricane for the first time in his life.The storm lasted for almost one week. “We were out of lights and water for that entire period,Wholesale China Jerseys,” he said.His advice to youths is to stay focused and capitalise on any given educational opportunity.

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