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Jordan Shoes For Sale Cheap plus Donald Dumb









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發表於 2017-10-18 00:35:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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All de Holy Books seh that people mustn’t thief. When you thief,Wholesale China Jerseys, you shall be beaten wid many stripes and sent to jail. In some country you does lose you hand and you foot and you does dead.Under de Pee Pee Pee govt headed by de man who resemble de devil,Authentic NFL Jerseys, plus Donald Dumb, dem never read none of de Good Books but dem two got a diary that says thiefing is acceptable,NFL Cheap Jerseys China, and not petty thiefing but wholesale thiefing.Dem boys use to warn you-all but you-all think was joke. A visiting Prime Minister refuse to tek he hand out he pocket to shake Jagdeo hand. De man wanted to mek sure that he had passage fuh go home.   He hold on pun de last set of US dollars in he pocket.But dem boys did know that this style couldn’t continue forever. Change had to come. Now that de change come de first man to end up before de court was Dr. Jagdeo.Dem boys seh that he got de most jail time staring he in he face. Other doctors following very close behind he.Yesterday Dr. Eastford end up before a magistrate fuh thiefing de govt vehicles. Today,Wholesale Jerseys, Dr C fuh Berry going in front another magistrate because he threaten fuh bax a woman and fuh get he woman dem fuh strip de girl. He gun know he fate.Dr. Run Sammy run out of Guyana thinking he gun escape charges. He don’t know when Uncle Sam gun hold on pun him right deh.As fuh that one Dr. Luncheon,Wholesale China Jerseys, dem boys seh he can’t go to court because even in court he gun lie. De amount of lies he tell daily fuh de last 30 years, he got to go straight to de gallows.Then you got de one and only Dr Shaatie, that scamp who always seh how much money Guyana mek every year only fuh he and he kavakamites siphon off.He got to go to de Essequibo Boys School fuh spend de rest of he life because big jail don’t tek li’l children.As fuh Dr Sam, when he get charge he would go to Courts on Main Street, rather than de High Court. He so dotish. He mo dotish than Donald de Dummy.And Donald going straight to jail all because he stupid. He give way de Gee Ess wuk in de party and he help create that devil,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, Jagdeo.Talk half and watch how Lot 12 gun be de new PPP Doctors Quarters.

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