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發表於 2017-10-18 05:31:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– accuses US report of omitting positive steps takenMinister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee says that the government is doing its best to stem narco-trafficking, and accused the persons who crafted the US drug report of omitting positive steps that have been taken.“In respect to the recent report, I am very disappointed at the lecturing and the instructions (in the report)… I hasten to add that the government is doing its utmost to make resources available to CANU and the narcotics branch of Guyana Police Force to do their level best to fight this scourge.”But he said that Government’s drug fight is hampered by a lack of adequate funding.“You will recall yesterday at the conference that the president said…the amount of resources that are being made available to the government (to combat trafficking) cannot pay a week’s salary to the operatives at CANU.So it is good to lecture to us that we need to do this and do that…“These things cost money…it is not that the government has not been spending money. But we need much more money,” he told reporters at the conclusion of a press conference to launch the 35th anniversary of the establishment of local community policing.Rohee was at the time responding to a question about the recent US International Drug Strategy Report,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, which said that the country’s counternarcotics activities in 2010 “were challenged by the consistently marginal commitment and capacity at all levels of Government.”But the Home Affairs Minister said that the report had omitted several steps that the government had taken.“No mention was made of a number of innovative steps the government has made…We have an airport security committee that meets every month…we review what is happening at the CJIA…and one of the recent steps we took is that we removed the scanner from the back and put it at the front,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, where the passenger must now take his baggage to the scanner after it has been checked…“There are a number of other innovative steps that are not available to the naked eye of the unsuspecting person that have been put in place …”But he said that the narco-dealers manage to keep one step ahead of the law.“Every time we step in the right direction the persons who are in this enterprise seem to be a step ahead…it is a constant struggle as to who will win…like a fight good over evil….they will always seek to be a step ahead of us.“We sleep with one eye open and one closed in this fight. We introduced the polygraph to ensure that we clean up those dirty elements in those organisations…So it is good to sit far away and lecture to a poor third world country…it is good to sit in a far-away capital…and tell us what we must do.”“I am saying as Ministry of Home Affairs, I know that we have been doing our level best,NFL Jerseys Discount, but we need more resources.“This is a transnational problem…If it is a transnational crime,Mens Nike Free Run, we need to have more assistance. I am very upset and very disappointed that they failed to report the concrete steps which that government is taking to address this problem…“Why did they leave this out?  Because they want to show that we are not fighting. We are fighting…I don’t want to say that we are fighting a losing battle,Cheap Jerseys From China, but we are fighting.”Rohee also said that that local lawmen did not have enough hard evidence to move against those believe to be the key players in the drug trade here.“If we had the evidence…we would have acted…we have to have the hard evidence. We would make a laughing stock of law enforcement agencies.“We would do surveillance, yes,Cheap Baseball Jerseys China, but at the end of the day, to have successful prosecution, you have to have incontrovertible evidence beyond a shadow of a doubt…”Rohee also said that he was unaware about any recent extradition request from the US.“The last extradition request was for Barry Dataram…but as for any extradition request of recent vintage,Nike Air Max 2018 Mens Shoes, I am not aware of any request.”

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