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Cheap NFL Jerseys and after De Santos had no objection to a bail reduction









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發表於 2017-10-18 13:27:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The matter of those involved in the brazen multi-million-dollar heist at the Bel Air Park residence of businessman Malcolm Panday, took a surprising twist yesterday, when one of the accused who previously pleaded guilty to charges stemming from the alleged robbery, changed his plea once again, to reiterate his innocence of the charges laid against him.On the last two occasions, Rabindra Seemangal had pleaded guilty to all the charges against him. All indications suggested that he would have been a potential witness for the prosecution. But when the defendant made another appearance before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry yesterday, he informed the court that he was withdrawing his previous plea.This came after Attorney-at-law Vic Puran, who is representing others charged with Seemangal,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, spoke on behalf of the accused. He made mention of the outcome for Seemangal seeing that he pleaded guilty to the charge. Puran’s intervention came in relation to Seemangal’s sentencing.It was understood that a plea bargain was not made with the accused; hence his sentencing could have been passed without provisions being made in light of his guilty plea.Seemangal told the court that while imprisoned he was contacted by an individual who had told him to plead guilty to the matter,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Online, implicate and state the actions of the other accused and his sentence would be lessened. But after learning that no such provisions were made for him, Seemangal then changed his plea.The magistrate was however upset that certain measures had not been put in place which would have caused the matter to commence. She spoke firmly about the matter being prolonged and receiving adjourned dates, because time was being requested to have measures put in place.At the last hearing,Womens Nike Free Run, Senior Counsel Bernard De Santos addressed the court and asked for a brief adjournment. That application was granted.The Senior Counsel stated to the court that at no time did he indicate anything about a plea bargain concerning the accused.The matter was later put to rest when Seemangal’s new plea was accepted. Like the other accused he was granted bail. He indicated that the initial bail sum of $1M was difficult to pay,Cheap Soccer Jerseys China, and after De Santos had no objection to a bail reduction,Nike Air Max Outlet Store, the sum was reduced to $600,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys,000.The matter was then set for June 22.

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