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…offers to support LGE, combating transnational crimes President David Granger and newly accredited US Ambassador Perry Holloway yesterdayThe security of small states and the value bestowed upon democracy and territorial integrity were priority areas brought into the limelight yesterday as newly assigned US Ambassador to Guyana, Perry Holloway, presented his Letters of Credence to President David Granger.The accreditation ceremony took place at the Ministry of the Presidency before Holloway’s wife Rosaura; US Chargé d’Affaires Bryan Hunt; Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Harmon; Acting Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Nike Air Force One Shoes For Sale, Neville Totaram and other officials.It was there that Granger and Holloway spoke of their partnership over the years, the need to combat transnational organised crimes, social cohesion, increased transparency and accountability in the management of public resources, the protection of the environment as well as the desire to eliminate impediments to national development.In presenting his letters, Holloway remarked that the US and Guyana have enjoyed a long and productive partnership, having worked together to promote shared values of democracy, human rights, economic freedom, and social inclusion both in the Caribbean and in the broader international arena.Holloway, who comes on the heels of US Ambassador Brent D. Hart’s departure, said he looks forward to continuing the work of his predecessors in the critical areas which he highlighted, as well as broadening the friendship and cooperation that already exists between the two governments and peoples.He said the past fourteen months were spent with him studying Guyana from the vantage point of Ambassador designate.  Now, he looks forward to putting preparation into practice and to see how well the reality on the ground matches the analysis provided in Washington.“I watched with great anticipation – and at times some degree of trepidation – the momentous events of 2014 and 2015, which ultimately resulted in the free and fair elections of May 2015,” said Holloway.He told President Granger that he looks forward to working closely with the government to build on Guyana’s growing democracy.  “I wish to pledge my government’s continued support to the holding of Local Government Elections before the end of 2015 – hopefully with the use of electronic tabulation so that we can all have a few less sleepless nights as we await the results,” he said.The US stands ready to work with Guyana to eliminate impediments to national development. He pledged the US’s support to Guyana in combating transnational organized crime under the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI), Halloway said.President Granger said that the two countries have enjoyed cordial relations for over 50 years during which their collaboration in the promotion of democracy, energy, health, security, trade and other areas of mutual interest was concreted.The Guyanese Head of State welcomed the renewed commitment to strengthen existing partnerships and to forge new ones between the two countries.“We acknowledge the changes which have occurred in the security situation in our hemisphere, particularly over the past two decades. These include the prevalence of transnational crimes such as terrorism, trafficking in persons, trafficking in illegal narcotics, trafficking in illegal weapons and money-laundering to all of which small states are very vulnerable,” he said.Granger spoke,Nike Air Max Tn Shoes Women, too,Cheap Jerseys NFL China, of territorial integrity and the need for security of small states.“Guyana, a small state, desires the Caribbean to be zone of peace. We desire security that is essential to promoting and consolidating democracy, creating a cohesive society and ensuring the good life for all. We desire respect for our sovereignty and territorial integrity,” the President expressed.He added that this country’s geographical location on the mainland of the South American continent makes it vulnerable to penetration by transnational criminal networks and territorial claims – both of which, Granger highlighted, can undermine peace and security.Granger said, “We must seek succour and support through partnerships with other states which have an interest in preserving the Caribbean as a zone of peace.”He recalled that US President Barack Obama, during the Fifth Summit of the Americas in Port of Spain, Trinidad, in 2009 pledged to deepen security cooperation with the small Caribbean states and the CBSI is the enduring fulfilment of that commitment.He spoke too of US past President Bill Clinton,Jerseys From China, during a meeting with leaders of the small Caribbean states in Bridgetown, Barbados in May 1997, signed the Bridgetown Declaration of Principles and further, that former President George Bush Jr., similarly, engaged Caribbean leaders in New York in September 2003.Granger said that Guyana is encouraged by these high-level engagements between the small Caribbean states and Holloway’s country. These, he said,Wholesale Adidas NHL Jerseys, signalled the importance both countries attach to ensuring the region’s security.He urged the US to use its influence in the hemisphere and on the international stage to reject the use,Cheap MLB Jerseys, or threat of the use, of force between states, to promote development and to preserve the Caribbean as a zone of peace.

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