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Andre Reed Bills Jersey 00 hours on Wednesday









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發表於 2017-10-18 17:22:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Jenelle CarterJust after 13:00 hours yesterday, after eluding police for several hours in the La Grange backlands,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, 29 year-old Ramesh Moniram, who reportedly confessed to police that he had killed his wife,Cheap Jerseys From China, emerged from the bushes and was turned over to law enforcement by relatives.The man’s sister Reshma told this newspaper yesterday that her brother came out from the dense bushes and went to an aunt’s home and asked for food.“He come out and he tell she that he hungry and he want water and she give he lil food and right away he come over by we,Cheap NHL Jerseys, he ain’t say nothing and me uncle dem just tell he dem gon carry he to de station,” the woman recounted.She said even after being told that he would be turned in to the police, her brother just stood with a blank stare on his face, and relatives then calmly walked him over to La Grange Police Station.As Moniram was being escorted to the station this newspaper arrived on the scene. The murder suspect seemed oblivious to his surroundings. Two male relatives held onto to him as he just continued staring as villagers came out of their homes to catch a glimpse of him as he passed.Moniram said nothing to relatives who tried questioning him.Meanwhile, relatives said that from all appearances,Cheap Jerseys From China, they did not believe that Moniram ingested poison. One relative said he seemed in good health and it is believed that the suspect just soaked himself with the poison to give persons the impression that he had ingested it.The man’s ailing mother Hemwattie is now the family’s main concern. This newspaper was told that around noon yesterday police arrived at their La Grange home, and told the man’s 52-year-old mother that she was assisting her son in evading police.“Some plain clothes police come and tell me mother that she help hiding Ramesh and she tell them that she ain’t know whey he deh, if she de know she woulda carry he to the police,” Reshma said.Despite the woman’s plea she was taken to La Grange Police station where she was detained. Up to press time yesterday it was still not clear if the man’s mother had been released. Relatives said they are fearful for the woman since she has a serious heart condition. The man’s father after hearing his wife was detained has since fled the home in fear of being arrested for his son’s action.Just around 10:00 hours on Wednesday,Cheap Jerseys League, a man claiming to be Ramesh Moniram contacted police informing them that he had just killed his wife and had ingested poison. The man reportedly gave investigators the location where he had dumped the woman’s body. After several hours of searching,China NFL Jerseys, police found the body of 25-year-old Sunita Sotomyer in a canal at Nismes, West Bank Demerara. Her husband managed to flee from relatives and police. Sotomyer and Moniram were married but separated some two months now. It was reported that the woman was abused by her husband while others say that she was being unfaithful to her husband.

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