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發表於 2017-10-18 18:51:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– UNDP donates tablets, laptop and desktop computersThe Guyana Parliament’s vision to become a paperless parliament has been brought one step closer to reality with the handing over of 15 Samsung galaxy tab3, five dell optiplex desktop computers and one dell laptop computer by the United Nations Development Project (UNDP).Speaker, Raphael Trotman receives the technological equipmentSpeaking at the simple handing over ceremony on Thursday last, Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman, explained that the Parliament of Guyana will be embarking on a Paperless Parliament Test Project (PPTP). He said the Parliament of Guyana has always recognized the UNDP as its biggest development partner and is pleased to be undertaking this project with them.He further explained that the project will facilitate the enhancement and upgrading of desktop computers used by Members of Parliament in the Information Technology Resource Centre and upgrade the Parliament’s website to ensure that it is functional and effective in supporting the efforts of the Parliament to be more open to the people of Guyana.“Undoubtedly, the time to begin to embrace and use modern technologies to a id in the work of the National Assembly is now,China Jerseys,” he said, noting that there has been an enhanced interest in the work of the National Assembly, thus requiring Members to be more accessible to their constituents, citizens and stakeholders.UNDP Resident Representative, Ms. Khadija Musa said that the UNDP is happy to be able to contribute to the reduction of paper usage in the Parliament Office and is committed to working together with the Parliament of Guyana to realise its vision.She encouraged the Government and other developmental partners to assist in supplying all Parliamentarians and the necessary members of staff from the Parliament Office with similar electronic devices.The Parliament Office will run a pilot project for four months in which the Speaker and a select group of Parliamentarians and members of staff will commit to share all information electronically.While this is done, the Office will commit to conducting a study of the amount of paper and financial and other resources that will be saved by the Office and the Government whilst acquainting MPs and staff of the benefits of the electronic sharing of information.During this pilot project, all Members involved will report regularly to a designated Officer who will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of the project and preparing regular reports for sharing with the Parliamentary Management Committee and the UNDP.

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