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發表於 2017-10-18 19:25:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“At least I gave them time, they asked for time and still, nothing,” victim’s mother  On September 10, 2010, Demerara Bank Clerk,Air Max 97 Wholesale, Sheema Mangar,Cheap Nike Huarache Shoes, was awaiting transportation on north road to take her home when a thief came up to her and snatched her cellular phone.Instinctively, Mangar tried desperately to retrieve the instrument from the thief who had jumped into a waiting car.Thinking that it was the best thing to do,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, the young bank clerk held on to the car but fell and was dragged under the vehicle for almost a block, sustaining severe injuries in the process.Sheema MangarShe subsequently succumbed to her injuries at the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital.The crime sparked public outrage and it was expected that the police would have pulled out all the stops to solve it, especially since there were a number of eyewitnesses.But two years later, confusion, denial and seeming incompetence have led to one of the most undesirable cold cases in recent criminal history on local soil.For Radica Thakoor, the situation is unbearable and will remain so until someone is charged or she is called to join her daughter, Sheema, in the great beyond.“Whenever I think about it, I question the system. It’s been two years. At least I gave them time; they asked for time and still,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Wholesale, nothing. This thing is eating away at my heart. As a family, we lost everything. The killer is free and we have no happiness,” a tearful Thakoor told this newspaper yesterday.From the outset controversy surrounded the investigations, as investigators obtained nothing tangible to link the several persons who were detained and the cars that were impounded to the crime.Investigators then turned their attention to no tried and proven method of solving modern crimes,Air Max 97 Silver Bullet For Sale, technology, more specifically, forensic science.However,Wholesale Jerseys USA, Guyana’s limited capacity in the field resulted in investigators having to rely on overseas help and Barbados was the port of call.They secured samples of a piece of fabric recovered from one of the impounded cars. They also retrieved what appeared to be blood and hair from the car with the hope of matching them to samples obtained from the dead woman’s relatives.The first sign that things were not going according to plan was when the results of the cloth test came back.Kaieteur News was reliably informed that the samples of fabric and suspected blood collected from the vehicle believed to have been involved in the matter did not match those that were obtained from the victim’s relatives.But this was the beginning of the confusion.There are reports that what was thought to be blood was not, and to make matters worse, the hair sample never left Guyana for Barbados where it was intended to go though DNA testing.With respect to the hair samples, the police had put the blame on one of its officers, stating that disciplinary action was being contemplated against the person who was responsible for the apparent lapse.However, this newspaper understands that the hair sample was deliberately not taken to Barbados in the first place, since it would have been of no value to the investigations.According to a source, the hair sample had no root and the tests in Barbados would not have been able to ascertain anything from it.“The police should stop fooling the family. The piece of hair is just a piece of hair and there is nothing the lab in Barbados could have done with it,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys,” a source who was close to the initial investigations had told this newspaper.In the first place, crime scene investigators did not do a proper job initially. At first, they did not secure samples of the clothing that Mangar was wearing when she was dragged several yards under the car.“The authorities are not telling the family the truth. They only have them going around and around. At the moment there is no physical evidence to link anyone to the crime,” the source said.Radica Thakoor’s most recent engagement with the police, which occurred yesterday, has added more confusion to the matter.The woman claimed that she was told by a senior police official that the samples had not been returned from Barbados.The situation is also taking its toll on Thakoor’s 17-year-old son, Jason.“He will repaint the cross that was placed at the scene of the crime. That’s his only comfort,” she said.Sheema Mangar’s father, Lalchand Mangar, hardly speaks about the incident that has left him without his eldest daughter.“Whenever the name comes up he wants to burst into tears. Today we will go to church. That’s where we get our strength,” Thakoor told this newspaper.But apart from her belief in God, Radica Thakoor is pinning some of her hopes on modern technology, although the local investigators seem to be bungling the whole investigations.“I feel they could solve this case. These days they have technology to solve crime like this. It’s not like long time, the technology is there and the police have experts,” she said.She believes that as long as the matter is brought up periodically, the police will feel pressured to act to bring about justice.

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