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NEW AMSTERDAM, BERBICE – The Guyanese Women in Development group last week made its annual trek to the Amerindian Hostel in New Amsterdam. The major focus of the visit was a mini-workshop.Mrs. Sadhoo, in front row, with some of the occupants and other members of the club, along with house-parents (standing behind)Assistant Secretary/Treasurer and founder member of the organization, Annie Sadhoo,NFL Jerseys Cheap Wholesale, explained that each year the group spends time with the occupants during Amerindian Heritage Month, to assist in empowering them.Educational packages and special treats for the children were distributed.The occupants of the hostel were also exposed to lectures on social ills,Wholesale Adidas Hockey Jerseys, etiquette, self-development,Buy Cheap Nike Air Max Shoes, sexually transmitted diseases and the importance of a religious background.Mrs. Sadhoo dealt with the importance of an education. She told youths that education is the key to self-improvement. “When you have an education, you become independent. You can set an example for the younger ones, even though you are living in a hostel. You are several miles away from home and your loved ones, and you must take advantage of all opportunities presented to you that could assist in ensuring a bright future, not only for you but your family as well.”She also encouraged them to take whatever knowledge they would have acquired while outside their respective reservations and share it, as well as put it into practice for the development of their community as a whole.A practical session was held in which the children, whose ages ranged from 12 to 18, were involved. The aims were basically to assist in boosting their self-confidence, and to remind them that they are all special and important.During the visit,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the children raised some of the issues they are faced with, and the group promised to assist in improving the situation.The Guyanese Women in Development was mainly formed to focus on the empowerment and development of persons in general. “We do not only work with the females,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, but we work with the male gender and young children as well. Empowerment is our watchword, and that is exactly what we do. We condemn violence in any form against men, women and children. We have also done a number of projects to improve the aesthetics of communities in and around New Amsterdam, and as far as Crabwood Creek on the Corentyne. Our Motto is ‘Win Small, Win them all.”The group deals also with issues pertaining to domestic violence and child abuse. “With our intervention and input, help was given to a number of children from both East and West Berbice. In many of the cases we sought the intervention of the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security.”On Friday, during the Child Protection Week Rally in New Amsterdam,Cheap Nike Air Force One Shoes, members of the Guyanese Women in Development pledged their continued support to the Ministry of Human Services.According to Sadhoo, there was a critical need for a women’s group in East Berbice, and as such, the Guyanese Women in Development (GUYWID) was established in 2001. This was after a visit from former Human Service Minister Indra Chandrapaul. Since taking shape,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys Wholesale, the group has played a major role in developing the children’s ward at the New Amsterdam Hospital — a library was set up there.The group also works with the New Amsterdam Special Needs School, through which a project was set up for the students to make envelopes.

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