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Following the publication of an article in Tuesday’s edition of this newspaper entitled “‘Housing Minister committed to stand Parliamentary ‘trial” a letter from Attorney-at-Law Anil Nandlall was immediately dispatched to AFC Member of Parilament Khemraj Ramjattan calling for a retraction.Nandlall’s contention was that the matter of Minister Irfaan Ali’s committal to the Parliamentary Committee of Privileges was sub judice and as such he should not have commented on what transpired after the matter had been deliberated in the House.Ramjattan in response says that the Speaker’s ruling that a prima facie case made out against Ali in no way prevents him from disseminating his opinion as to what he thinks about the two Ministers misleading the House concerning the $4B disbursement.“Since when Parliamentary Privileges matters are subject to sub judice rules so as to stifle expression and opinion thereon publicly?”“I repeat, even more loudly here, that both Ministers lied to us Parliamentarians on this issue of the $4B and its disbursement,Nike Men Air Max 97,” said a defiant Ramjattan.Nandlall in the letter to Ramjattan which was also copied to this newspaper said that his client (Minister Ali) “considers your Statements as impetuous, reckless and highly irresponsible; I consider them to be defamatory of my client; needless to say, they were made outside of the House and hence, are not clothed with any form of immunity whatsoever.”Ramjattan in response said, “Though the Speaker may have uttered the words that such a prima facie finding does not necessarily mean guilt, I want your client to know that I, like you say in your letter, am entitled to be like a self-appointed judge, jury and executioner, and know that he is guilty as hell.”He said that the Speaker’s exhortations cannot gag him and never will.“You should acquaint yourself with article 146 of the Constitution!” he rebutted. “Were these Ministers fair and just to us when they were seeking approval of $4B in 2010 of the peoples’ monies when they both knew it was disbursed in 2009?”Ramjattan said that the two Ministers in question namely the Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh and Housing and Water Minister Irfaan Ali,Cheap NFL Jerseys, “should be dismissed….or, at least dishonourably tender their resignations from all public office.”Nandlall’s letter indicated that he was hopeful that good sense and magnanimity prevail and litigation is not an option to which his client will have to resort.Ramjattan dared the Minister though his Attorney to bring the litigation action against him.“Bring on your litigation if you and your client have the (courage),” Ramjattan said, vowing to prove in a court of law should the opportunity arise,Wholesale Jerseys From China, that the Ministers lied to the National Assembly. “This case is so flagrant and blatant of their wrongdoing”, he said emphatically.Meanwhile, the People’s Progressive Party in a release to the media said that it condemned the published article which it said, “presents a gross misrepresentation of the events leading up to and surrounding Member of Parliament Ramjattan’s motions, the use of a Privilege motion and what the Privilege Committee is required to do.”The party said that, “It is important to point out that the Privilege Committee does not hold a trial; it merely examines the grounds of a prima facie case and whether it can be ruled as contempt of the House or not.This newspaper in its article said that the process that the Minister was committed to namely the Committee of Privileges was “akin” to a trial.“Prima facie’ is in legal practice the term generally used to describe two things: the presentation of sufficient evidence by a civil claimant to support the legal claim (a prima facie case), or a piece of evidence itself (prima facie evidence).For most civil claims, a plaintiff must present a prima facie case to avoid dismissal of the case or an unfavourable directed verdict.The plaintiff must produce enough evidence on all elements of the claim to support the claim and shift the burden of evidence production to the respondent.If the plaintiff fails to make a prima facie case, the respondent may move for dismissal or a favourable directed verdict without presenting any evidence to rebut whatever evidence the plaintiff has presented.This is because the burden of persuading a judge or jury always rests with the plaintiff.************************************** Three arrested for ganja in riceThree persons, including a woman, are now in custody after police unearthed a quantity of marijuana stashed in bags of rice in a car in the Cinderella county of Essequibo.The arrests were made on Tuesday morning by ranks of a police mobile patrol.Reports reaching this newspaper stated that the ranks stopped the car on the Aurora Public Road and carried out a search.The ranks must have had their suspicions for they decided to check the two bags of rice and found 460 grams of the herb, which was neatly stashed.The suspects were taken into custody and will face the court shortly.************************************** Driver released on $50,000 station bail The police have placed the driver of the canter truck who was involved in the accident at Diamond East Bank Demerara on $50,000 station bail. The accident which occurred on Sunday night claimed the life of carpenter Yogeshwar Samaroo.Kaieteur News had earlier reported that the man was expected to make a court appearance yesterday, however, it is now unclear when the driver would be charged.A post mortem revealed that Samaroo died as a result of injuries consistent with an accident.On Sunday night last, Samaroo of Ninth Street,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Diamond New Scheme, East Bank Demerara,Wholesale Jerseys China, was struck off his bicycle in the vicinity of Seventh Street. At the time the man, who was a carpenter, was returning home after visiting a sibling.Kaieteur News understands that the driver, who is from Craig Village, also on the East Bank of Demerara, alleged that he was heading east when Samaroo rode into his path.************************************** Opposition preparations for 2011 elections intensify….PPPC,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys Wholesale, PNCR cannot be excluded from rebuilding nation – Dr HindsWith the general elections slated to run off in a matter of months, the executives of the Working People’s Alliance yesterday held a public consultation at the party’s headquarters as it relates to the way forward for the Joint Opposition Political Parties.Dr David Hinds told the gathering that it must be recognized that Guyana is at a critical juncture in its history and the opposition parties working together must be seen as a means to an end.He said that the politicians have to start doing the groundwork from now and start to engage people in their communities as it relates to issues such as poverty, rule of law, corruption and narco-trafficking among other social ills, and how they can be addressed.The decision by the Alliance For Change was discussed, and while it was recognized that the political party was correct in its conclusions as to why the current administration must be removed from total control, it was emphasized that the People’s National Congress Reform has changed from the 1970s. It was pointed out that for the PNCR to agree to free and fair elections was a critical starting point of the change within the party He was also adamant that the exclusion of the People’s Progressive Party was not an option in that they must play a role in the moving forward of Guyana.The WPA executive said that what would be the ideal outcome of the 2010 elections would be power-sharing.Dr Hinds stressed that the AFC preaches healing but said it must be recognized that healing means forgiving and reaching out.He opined that even if the Joint Opposition Parties were to fail in a bid to win the 2011 elections all would not be lost, in that they could utilize that support that would be amassed to continue the struggle.It was also pointed out that another critical reason for the alliance approach was the reality that isn’t being confronted, namely the ethnic situation in Guyana, adding that should this not be recognized then there would be chaos.He stressed that the alliance must not just be an electoral coalition in that it must become a cohesive unit for the same cause, saying that they need to mobilize long before the elections laying the groundwork.Dr Hinds said that the Alliance must not be that of politicians but must also include civil society as a whole, inclusive of religious bodies, trade unions and youth organizations among others.“We have to let people know that we are serious…This moment is critical.”He said that it is because the groundwork is not being done in communities, this has caused parliament to be relegated to the realities that exist in the Parliament and manifests in examples such as the steady walkouts by the opposition parties.

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