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[本地音樂] Cheap Jerseys From China nnvmk52u









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發表於 2017-10-19 11:04:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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… Nurses refuse to workNurses of the Plaisance Health Centre are now alleging that Kevin Critchlow, the father of the dead five-month-old, Kevon Critchlow, threatened the staff members especially the nurses of the Plaisance Health Centre.According to reports at the time he was armed with a cutlass. The child died under questionable circumstances close to two weeks ago, according to relatives.As a result of the alleged threat, yesterday the three nurses refused to work because they expressed fear for their lives. A nurse from another health facility was sent to the health centre to render assistance.The death of the five-month-old baby was widely publicized recently, as it was alleged that the child was given a wrong injection at the Plaisance health facility. However, a preliminary post mortem indicated that the child died as a result of brain haemorrhage.The mother informed this newspaper that the results are yet inconclusive. Samples of the child’s blood have been taken for further testing.The Health Centre staff consists of three nurses, one Medex and two community health workers. It was yesterday weakened as the now fearful nurses including the nurse who allegedly administered the wrong injection to the baby, have indicated that it is dangerous to return to the facility and refused to do so.According to one of the staff members yesterday, some time last week, on the day of the baby’s funeral, the father of the child made his way into the health facility while brandishing a cutlass, and began threatening the staff to harm them.However, yesterday, the father, Kevin Critchlow denied the claims made by the nurses. He said “I ain’t even see the nurse that bore my child yet.” He explained, “On the funeral day, I don’t even know what happened to me. All I remember was seeing my son when he came home and waking up at my brother, hours later.”He added that following the death of his son, he is now struggling to cope with the situation. “Not too long ago I just had to lay down,China Jerseys, my head just hurting.”In the defense of her husband, Suemede Critchlow, said that the claims by the staffers of the health centre are not being honest. “That’s a lie! Who would want to do that on the funeral day?”She said that coping with the death of her son has not been easy. “Losing a loved one is not easy; it’s hard but I’m trying because I have three other children to take care of.”The couple is anticipating the final results from the samples of blood that were taken by experts to determine the real cause of their son’s death before deciding their next step.According to a source close to the Plaisance Health Centre, it is unclear what will happen at the facility in days to come, because the assistance from the nurse was just for the day.Efforts to contact Minister of Health, Bheri Ramsarran, on the issue have since been futile.

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