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NFL Jerseys China since they too were promised the good life.GWI Chief Executiv









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發表於 2017-10-19 12:08:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Residents of some villages of the lower East Canje District are not happy that they will be left out of the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) recent water improvement plans. They say that they should be included in any beneficial projects in the District, since they too were promised the good life.GWI Chief Executive, Dr. Richard Van West Charles with Regional Chairman, Mr. David Armogan and Regional Executive Officer,Nike Air Max 2018, Dr. Veersammy Ramayya.Recently Chief Executive Officer of GWI, Dr. Richard Van West-Charles,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, met with Region Six officials,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, among them Chairman, David Armogan and Regional Executive Officer (REO), Dr. Versammy Ramayya to discuss the current developmental plan for the water sector in the Region.Dr. Van West-Charles informed the officials that with such a densely populated Region, GWI’s aim is to ensure consistent and quality service with minimum disruptions. He stated, “With the recent investment in the Region’s water service infrastructure, GWI will ensure that all works are executed to a high standard with the improvement of the standard of living being the ultimate goal.”He said that Government is investing $2.581 billion to improve the water sector infrastructure across all the Administrative Regions.Of concern to the residents, is the statement that GWI customers of Region Six will benefit from the construction of a state-of-the-art Water Treatment Facility at Sheet Anchor which will serve customers from Number 19 Village to Fort Ordnance and Good Banana Land, Canje.That announcement has residents from Betsy Ground,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, Gangaram and other populated villages not too happy.  The residents want to know why they were left out of the arrangements. They stated that they were never consulted or contacted on the new arrangements.One resident explained that the Betsy Ground- Gangaram areas would usually receive water from a well located at Gangaram and operated by Guysuco. However that arrangement is not working properly since the well is not functioning. There is not enough pressure; residents hardly receive water at ground level and for only a few hours per day.Residents have to resort to pumping water which carries up their electricity bills. They prefer to pay and receive a proper water supply and forget the other overheads.The residents are hoping that the decisions can be revisited.The construction of the new facility forms part of the Water Supply and Sanitation Infrastructure Improvement Programme (WSSIIP), funded by the Government of Guyana, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Caribbean Investment Facility (CIF) of the European Union (EU).As it currently stands,China Jerseys Cheap, it is expected to serve in excess of 20,500 people or more than 5,300 households.The programme will include the installation of water meters within the project area.  To foster improved public health, the programme also includes a component for the installation of septic tanks within the community of Sheet Anchor, East Berbice.‘Enhancing public health through the provision of safe,Wholesale China Jerseys, potable water and the improvement of the sanitation system, is the main thrust of water service improvement programme for Region Six,’ stated the GWI Chief Executive Officer. “We are partnering with the Regional Administration, NDCs and all community-oriented bodies to ensure that GWI customers of Region 6 benefit from an improved quality of life.”The CEO stated that GWI would be available 24-hours to the Regional Administration through the implementing of an ‘after-hours’ emergency team to respond to service disruptions, leaks and other emergencies.

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