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The Electoral Observation Mission of the Organization of American States (OAS/EOM) for the General and Regional Elections in Guyana on May 11 yesterday began its final deployment in Georgetown.Chairperson of Commonwealth observer group, Kate WilkinsonFormer Foreign Minister of Belize, Lisa Shoman is leading the OAS observers’ team.The delegation, headed by the former Foreign Minister of Belize Lisa Shoman, who was designated by Secretary General José Miguel Insulza, comprises 23 observers from 13 countries (Antigua and Barbuda,Authentic NFL Jerseys From China, Argentina, Barbados, Belize,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico,China Jerseys, Paraguay, Saint Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States).The first members of the Mission arrived in Guyana on May 2, following a preliminary visit in mid-April to learn about the preparations for the elections, an OAS statement said.“The Mission will focus its observation on electoral organization, electoral-political financing and the equal participation of men and women in the electoral process. It will also gather information about the status of the recommendations made in the last OAS/EOM in 2011.”The OAS/EOM will be meeting with electoral authorities, representatives of political parties, government officials, and members of the media and civil society organizations, amongst other stakeholders, to discuss perspectives on the electoral process.“On Election Day, observers will visit polling stations across the country at every stage from the opening of the polls to the counting of votes and the publication of results.”This is the fifth time the OAS has observed elections in Guyana, following Missions in 1997, 2001, 2006 and 2011.“The day after the election, the OAS/EOM will present its preliminary findings in a press conference and will subsequently present a report to the Permanent Council of the Organization in Washington, DC.”Meanwhile, the Commonwealth yesterday said that Secretary-General, Kamalesh Sharma, has constituted an Observer Group for the elections following an invitation from the Government of Guyana.“The Observer Group will be led by Hon Kate Wilkinson, former Member of Parliament and Cabinet Minister in New Zealand.”Sharma said: “The Commonwealth is committed to preserving its long tradition of support for elections in Guyana. Since 1992 we have been observing its national polls and we are pleased to be given the opportunity to contribute to the further consolidation of its democracy.”The elections, the official said, are crucially important for the people of Guyana, as they choose their representatives.“It is therefore imperative that the electoral process is transparent, fair, credible, and free of violence.”The Commonwealth Observer Group will consider the pre-electoral environment and preparations. On election-day and thereafter, members will observe the voting process, counting and tabulation procedures and the announcement of results.“The Group will assess all factors affecting the credibility of the electoral process as a whole. It will determine whether the elections have been conducted according to the standards for democratic elections to which Guyana has committed itself, with reference to its own election-related legislation as well as relevant regional,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Commonwealth and international commitments.”The Commonwealth Observer Group will act impartially and make an independent assessment of the electoral process. “It will conduct itself according to the standards expressed in the International Declaration of Principles for Election Observation, to which the Commonwealth is a signatory,” the statement from Commonwealth said.“Upon completion of its assignment, the Group will submit its report to the Commonwealth Secretary-General, who will in turn send it to the Government of Guyana, the Guyana Elections Commission and the principal political parties,China Jerseys, before making it available to all Commonwealth Governments. It will then be made public.”The group will be in Guyana from 3 to 19 May 2015. A four-member staff team from the Commonwealth Secretariat, led by Albert Mariner,Cheap MLB Jerseys, Head, Caribbean/Pacific Section, Political Division, will provide technical support to the international observers.

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