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發表於 2017-10-19 23:53:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Members of Parliament (MP) have received personal invitations to participate in Guyana’s 50th Jubilee Celebrations, but the decision is that they will only participate on an optional basis.The 50th celebration will see the presence of the opposition on optional basis.This is according to the party’s General Secretary,Nike Men Air Max 97, Clement Rohee. He stated that the invitations from the administration include invites to several State functions during the celebrations.“The Party has taken the decision that the PPP/C MPs will participate in these activities on an optional basis. PPP MPs have been so advised.”“The Party is mindful of the dire socio-economic circumstances obtaining in the country at this time as the Nation prepares to celebrate this historic event and to welcome Guyanese who will be returning home for the event.”He also noted that there had been some criticism against the Granger administration at the May Day rally by Trade unionists,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, with respect to unfulfilled electoral promises.He noted that the party supported the union’s resolution and that moreover, the PPP would be following the organized labour activities.“(The PPP) looks forward to the deliberate, aggressive and expeditious treatment of the resolution for the benefit of the Guyanese working people.”Rohee also made it clear that the party will be keeping a close watch on the performance of “Operation Dragnet” during the Independence celebrations. Describing the joint service collaboration as “faltering”,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, Rohee issued a warning.“The Party calls on citizens to be vigilant on all fronts and to lend as much support as possible to law enforcement as well as the Community Policing Groups and Neighbourhood Police.”Contentions had arisen last December causing Technical Facilitator to the Minister of Education, Vincent Alexander,Wholesale Jerseys For Sale, had blasted Rohee for statements to the effect that the party had not been invited.He had stated that the Leader of the Opposition had been invited the month before,Nike Roshe Run Sale Outlet, but had not acknowledged it.The 50th Anniversary events are slated to kick off from May 11,Wholesale Adidas Hockey Jerseys, with a National Day of Prayers,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, followed by an opening ceremony.  There will be an unveiling of the Independence Arch on May 21 and the Jubilee festival at the National Stadium on May 19.There will also be a National Symposium and ‘Guyana at 50’ book launch at the Arthur Chung Convention Centre and the National Flag Raising ceremony on May 25.The National Float parade and the 50th Anniversary Gala will be held on May 26.

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