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[IQ題] Missouri Valley jerseys kabcwotd









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發表於 2016-12-13 10:37:50 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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seeks to destroy it, while other users of the salmon rod are equally positive that the fish cannot resist sampling a properly thrown dainty morsel whether it be fly or prawn,NFL Jerseys China, minnow or plug,Cheap NFL Jerseys, or even a bunch of garden worms. I have no means of deciding what is the mental attitude of a salmon concerning the value of the variety of lures offered to it, but in an attempt to gain knowledge,Cheap Authentic Jerseys Online, I have. True Religion Outlet jeans sale lain on a river bank, under which a salmon has been sheltering, and have flicked lobworms into the water in the vicinity of the fish. Several minutes after the worm has settled on the bed, the salmon has appeared,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, picked up the prize and vanished under the spreading bushes. Whilst on many occasions from m.  y lookout I have observed a salmon dash, again and again,Wholesale Jerseys, through a shoal of minnows. Further, I have seen a salmon, with a six inch trout broadside in its mouth, slipping through a pool. Whether any of these B l8 CATCHING THE WILY SEA-TROUT incidents can be accepted as evidence that salm.true religion outlet store on feed in the river I cannot say. To carry my investigations a stage further I have examined the contents of the stomachs of brown trout,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, salmon and sea-trout respectively. The results regarding the brown trout are most conclusive as its stomach is usually packed with all kinds of fare, toge.   ther with a strange assortment of grit and shells, but the maw of the salmon contains nothing but a slimy substance. In the stomach of the sea-trout, be the fish fresh-run or stale, I have observed a slight similar slimy composition and consequently I suggest tha. True Religion jeans Outlet t sea-trout do not feed up-river in the same way as do brown trout. Further, on opening a fresh-run sea-trout I have noticed that there is a quantity of fat inside,Dwight Howard Hawks Jersey, but a stale fish, one that has been some time in the river,Cheap Jerseys Free Shpping, is always minus this fat. The deduction that I draw from these facts is the sea-trout whilst up-river lives on its own fat. To satisfy myself by independent testimony I put the question to an aged poacher who, since his boyhood, had worked illicitly a certain river, and in those early days he had done so under the expert guidance of his father, another notable poacher. I repeat his views for what they are worth as they are somewhat interesting. His definite opinion is that salmon and sea-trout do not feed in the usually accepted sense of the meaning, but that both species take into their

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