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發表於 2017-10-20 08:44:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) has sympathised with relatives of three-year-old Akeela Brianna Benons, but dismissed allegations that they were responsible for her untimely demise.Dead: Three-year-old Akeela Brianna BenonsIn a press release issued on Tuesday, the facility stated that the three-year-old was admitted to the hospital on February 5 last, and was discharged on February 12, after there was improvement in her condition.It continued to address the child’s readmission to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the hospital on February 23 last,wholesale nfl jerseys, and the post mortem (PM) results which showed that the child died from three pre-existing conditions: Septic Shock, Bronchopneumonia and a Brain Abscess.However, the child’s family is standing by their allegations. They maintain that the medical practitioners at the GPHC are guilty of administering too much Valium to the child, neglecting to accurately diagnose the child, and giving up on saving her life.Akeela’s aunt, Anica Tyson, yesterday told Kaieteur News that the child had been a patient at GPHC between February 5 and 12, because she was having diarrhoea. Tyson, however, maintained that that is in no way connected to the circumstances surrounding her niece’s death.She said that she did not expect the hospital to say anything differently. “I don’t expect better from them… I don’t want any problem with them; I just want justice for my niece.”At 10:00am on Republic Day, Akeela Benons was rushed from her 567 Conciliation Street, Tucville, Georgetown, home to GPHC,China Jerseys Cheap, after she had been having a high fever for a couple of hours.Tyson recounted that upon arriving, family members were instructed to “bathe the child from head to toe”. Approximately 10 minutes after carrying out this instruction, Tyson claims that her niece began to have a seizure. This was when a doctor ordered a nurse to administer a syringe of valium to the child.According to Tyson,Wholesale Jerseys USA, another 10 minutes passed before the right side of Akeela’s body became stiff. This was when the same doctor instructed that another syringe of valium be given to the child.In what could only be a bizarre sequence of events, Tyson claims that an “old white doctor” came into the room, and upon realising what had happened, started to scold the medical practitioners that were treating the child.She recalled that the senior doctor lambasted the medical practitioners for administering the amount of valium they did to such a young child.At this point, Tyson explained, that the doctor (whose name has been withheld) who was supposed to be in charge of treating the child was completely speechless.She added that the entire time her niece was being treated the doctor was texting away on her cell phone.She claims that the senior doctor then assured her not to worry, since the “only side effect of the administration of too much valium, would be drowsiness”.However,Wholesale Stitched NFL Jerseys, the emotional woman said that just a few minutes later, her niece stopped breathing altogether. She recalled that an emergency CT (Computerized tomography) scan of young Akeela’s brain was recommended, the results of which showed that there was bleeding in the child’s brain.Tyson recalled,NFL Cheap Jerseys China, “When I was riding back with them in the Ambulance, they (medical practitioners) turn to me and ask if anyone in we family using medication or does get fits. I tell them no, because nobody in we family don’t sick. That was when they tell me that this is a condition that is common in old people.” This was when the child was then admitted to the ICU.The family is claiming that the doctor charged with treating Akeela at one point even insinuated that the family was hiding the fact that the child had suffered a fall, or some other injury at their hands.She then explained that family members were informed that “the baby will die, and when the baby dies,China Jerseys Cheap, we will carry out a post mortem”.The woman is alleging that the doctors did not take their time with her niece. “All the while that child was there, they were not treating her. From the time they told me this blood in her brain, they made no efforts to deal with it. They just give her saline.” She added,NFL Jerseys Authentic China, “they didn’t even order a MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), so that they could better understand what was going on in her head, and that is our contention. They could have done better.”

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